In fact, many people are interested in examining the world of delicate creatures, perhaps they heard several stories or reading or writing of books.
For people who have achieved true knowledge in kejawen or perhaps already mastered the metaphysics, the world's delicate creature ordinary existence, instead of crap. Below is described the information from their worlds Javanese version, which (more than one world) at least that happens on the ground of Java.
Many experts kejawen have the same opinion that in a world that one and the same is, in fact inhabited by seven kinds of natural life, including nature which is inhabited by humans.
In this world of life which has seven channels occupied by a variety of creatures. Beings-beings of the seven natural, in principle, they take care of their respective worlds, their activities do not mix any nature having affairs respectively. Of the seven human nature it is only natural that the sun and has a population that consists of humans, animals and others have a physical body.
Residents of six other realms they have bodies of light (Cahya agency) or who is popularly known as fine creatures - wong alus - invisible creatures.
At 6 there was no natural light of day because there is no sun clang. The situation is like the atmosphere of a clear night under the moonlight and the stars bright, so there was no blinding light such as sunlight or bagaskoro (Java smooth)
There are two kinds of creature reputedly fine:
Delicate creatures that are native born - created as a delicate creature.
Delicate creatures that come from humans who have died. As with humans there is good and evil, there is a clever and stupid.
Delicate creatures-creatures who live in their native world respectively, they have a community then that there are subtle beings who have high positions such as kings, queen, queens, ministers, etc., on the contrary there is such a low-ranking soldiers, officials, workers etc..
This fact is not just an illusion or a mere shadow, that other world, among others:
1. Merkayangan
Life in these channels is almost the same as life in the human world, except for the absence of light rays like the sun.
In the world of merkayangan they smoke, cigarettes are just like the human world, paid the same money, wear the same kinds of clothing, there are many cars of the same type in the streets, there are many factories in the world just like humans. The odd thing is, they have more sophisticated technology than human, more modern cities there langt scrapers, planes, etc. are ultra modern.
There are also things that are mystical in this Merkayangan world, it is sometimes necessary when there are also people who were invited by them, among other things: perform puppet shows, attended a marriage ceremony, works in batik, cigarettes and human beings who have done the job in the world, they were paid for with money the legal and valid as currency in the world.
2. Jin-Demon
Delicate creature is said to prefer to live in areas of air in water as lakes, seas, oceans, etc., arranged stealth society like ancient society. They have King, Queen, Aristocrat Group, Kingdom of Employees, servants, slaves, etc.. They can stay in the palace, palace, royal houses, homes, etc. old-fashioned.
If people go visiting Yogyakarta or Solo-Central Java, people will hear stories about some phantom among others: Kanjeng Queen of South - South Sea Queen, Queen of the legendary, powerful and very beautiful, who lived in his palace in the South Seas, with the gates Parangkusumo . Parangkusumo is famous as a meeting place between Panembahan Senopati and Kanjeng Queen of South, at the meeting, Kanjeng Queen of South pledged to protect all of the king and the kingdom of Mataram.
He had a meek woman who is faithful and powerful Nyai Roro Kidul, the kingdom of the southern ocean is spread out on the South Coast of Java Island, in some places it has a royal Duke. Like disebuah ancient country in the southern ocean kingdom also there are various ceremonies, rituals etc. and they also have a strong army. Bongso-Ruler Sarpo Pening Swamp.
A large lake is located near the town of Magelang and Semarang Ambarawa. This original stealth Sarpo Bongso, who has lived in the lake for a long time resident groups together with stealth. While not the original Queen of South Kanjeng stealth, a few centuries ago he was a dikerajaan Gusti in Java, but patihnya Nyai Roro Kidul is the original stealth since several thousand years ago.
3. Kajiman
They live in the homes in a community of ancient aristocratic style, similar to the stealth but they were living in mountainous areas and places where hot air. People usually call Jim Peacock.
4. Demit
This people residing in mountainous areas are green and the weather was cooler, the houses of their simple shape made of wood and bamboo, they are like humans only a smaller body form.
Besides the people who already regularly as Merkayangan, Demon, Kajiman, and there's more Demit two explain more detail, a brief second it is for those people who are honest, pure and wise. Delicate creatures that are not perfect.
Besides the seven kinds of permanent nature, there is a line being pinched, where the spirits of evil human beings who suffer because of mistakes they have done in the past, when they live as human beings.
Humans are wrong it must be accepted for errors hukumaan it does, the sentence can be lived in while he was alive in the world or worse at the time of after-life (afterlife) is received by people who already do: slander, dishonest, prewangan (people which provides its body to serve as a medium by subtle beings), Blackmagic, charms that make other people suffer, get sick or die, etc., pengasihan so loved by others in ways that are not fair, killing people, etc. dishonorable deed.
Worshiping idols to be rich (pesugihan) is an idol in the Javanese are not statues, but is nine kinds of delicate creature that he said, "helpful" people to become rich with an abundance of wealth meterial.
The cult of the evil creature is the ninth fatal mistake, they were when viewed with the naked eye looks like:
Jaran Penoreh - a horse whose head was turned backward
Srengara Nyarap - dog bite
Jimbung struck - struck a large
Bubrah cage - enclosure damaged
Umbel Molor - snot dripping
Curse of the myopic - fish compatriots, his eyesight is not bright
Gemak Melung - gemak, like birds chirping
Flying-Fox Ngising - bats defecate
Pickpocket White - white alligator.
For those who have done wrong with the way worship or use "good offices" idols above, they would be punished after "death" bodies and souls punished Paraning dumadi sangkan requirements (coming from the sacred, holy life in this world and back to holy).
Various kinds of punishment after life
This is a very severe punishment, there is no suffering that this weight, so that every person should try to avoid it.
How? simple: give thanks to Almighty God by doing good deeds and correct, well-behaved, honest, helpful, do not cheat, do not steal, do not kill, do not torture, do not do things that are ugly and blasphemous.
There is a Javanese proverb that says "may come Ngombe Urip iku" means to live in this world is to stop drinking, it means that people live in this world only a short time then it is appropriate Act
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