Monday, September 26, 2011

Do not Tell It to the Prospective Husband

When you and he is entering a stage of exploration to the level of the aisle, sharing is a must. However, not everything needs to be shared with the him.

In the book The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say "I Do", Susan Piver suggest we lock the mouth for certain things. Sometimes, this is the wisest course of action to keep your own feelings masiang. However, that does not mean you save a lot of secrets. Sort-select what can and can not be shared with the him.

Piver suggest five things a person should not be disclosed to her partner:

1. Nominal wages
If you work and status is still beloved, should not have to spit in the listed nominal paychecks. Once you know your salary is big enough, he might hope you continue to pay out the grounds for the future should skimp you and him. Another matter if he has officially become a couple living under the marriage bond, nominal wages should you have to say. It concerns a family financial planning that needs dealt between you and him.

2. "Password"
It feels uncomfortable if the he always seemed to investigate you or spied upon. So, avoid this possibility by not giving the password e-mail, Facebook, or other personal accounts. The attitude of spying has no good effect for a relationship. Unless you both share your e-mail account after marriage, it does not matter.

3. Former name
Avoid mentioning the name of a former lover, even if you regard him as the nicest guy you'll ever know. Also avoid remembering the beautiful moments with the former, especially compared with his former partner. It would offend his ego and could even make it no longer attracted to you.

4. Not like his mother
It is no secret, many women who do not like the attitude of the prospective in-laws. If you experience this condition, you should not show (let alone say) this is in front of her. This will probably make him feel pressured to choose you or his mother. Or could even damage the relationship because the he felt burdened with your attitude to her mother. Want to continue the relationship, learn to put up with future in-laws.

5. Other men adored
Worshiped other men? Which women do not like. Although you do not respond to the man, that does not mean you can tell me or even flaunt it in front of the him about it. Believe me, he would not be pleased to hear that. Likewise, if you find that you are worshiping another man, then you should just quietly. The he did not need to know because you could be accused of having an affair with him.


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