Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alien autopsy

For thousands of years, the UFO was earth shattering. Along the way the mystery yet to unfold. A hundred thousand times sightings in various countries around the planet earth, perhaps there have been accidents causing casualties, and may be debris left UFO and alien bodies.

Beginning in July 1947, a rancher from southeastern New Mexico Roswell, William W. Brazel, found the unidentified flying object that crashed in the north of Roswell. He reported his findings to the U.S. Army Air Base (U.S. Army Air Forces) in Roswell. The military responded to the report and send their teams to the area of ​​accident in the desert of New Mexico.

On July 8, 1947, Lt. Walter Haut of the 509th Division of the Roswell Army Air Force under the command of Colonel William Blanchard wrote a press release published in local media about the discovery of flying saucer debris, following some of the bodies of unidentified creatures from outer space.

But several hours later, by order of the Colonel William Haut-General Roger Ramey and rewriting the press release (published the day after the release of the first published) by stating that their findings are not a UFO than a weather balloon debris!

But a dozen years after that, a number of witnesses, including workers and scientists at the Roswell military base to give testimony.

They claim there is truly a material foreign aircraft (UFO) and the body being secured from the site fall into the military base at Roswell. The creature was like a human, however small, wrinkled skin, head and large eyes, short arms, ears and nose sank into.

Roswell incident was a controversy. U.S. government efforts to cover up the facts, make a lot of parties who believe that there is something very important is being hidden. Many are convinced that Roswell is a historic place in the phenomenon of UFOs and "visitors from outer space".

A number of attempts to uncover the mystery of Roswell fishing in a series of studies, both scientific and paranormal. The belief that a UFO crashed on Earth increasingly thick with rumors of alien bodies at Roswell. Then launch a number of research reports about UFOs and aliens who were already there since thousands of years ago.

Debris and Bodies
Summer of 1953, an alien flying object crashed in the Arizona desert. U.S. Air Force (USAF) to send a special team to the crash site and witnesses said that they did the evacuation of five bodies of aliens. Beings who were evacuated from the UFO-like humans, but long-sleeved, has four webbed fingers, one of whom appears to be still moving.

September 14, 1957, a Brazilian newspaper columnist, Ibrahim Sued, a letter containing the information and sample pieces of metal that comes from the so-called UFOs. The letter mentioned that the sample was drawn from a UFO crash site at Beach Ubatuba, Sao Paulo. Test against the metal pieces showed that the material was not recognized and not found on earth.

In 1965, there were reports of UFO landings in Pretoria, South Africa. Eyewitnesses said the UFO diameter of 9 meters (30 feet). Once aware of human presence, it aired in seconds and disappeared. Research shows, leaving ruts pendaratnya hole 90 cm wide, and there is an area burned in the former driver of the engine area of ​​1.8 meters.

An eyewitness named Pedley reported UFO sightings in the Tully River, north Queensland in Australia in 1966. Pedley approached the area with small lake, as interested in seeing objects that move quickly flew into the sky from that location. In the former the object is floating, it looks strange circular marks in the grass with a diameter of 9 meters wide.

March 1968 in Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region (ex-USSR territory), a flying saucer was reported falling in the forest edge. Soviet military immediately shut down the area and conduct investigations. A year later, intelligence documents show the process of an autopsy on the bodies being recovered from the rubble dwarf UFO, made Russian scientists in Moscow.

1971 in Kansas, a boy, Ron Johnson, who saw an object similar to herding sheep shiny multicolored umbrella mushrooms, flying in the night sky, hovering 25 meters away from Ron over the trees. After the UFO had disappeared, he found a ring shining in those locations. Curiously, these rings remain luminous for several years.

The big question is still spinning in our minds. Not only the question of whether UFOs and aliens were indeed there, but from where UFOs and the aliens come from?

UFO sightings in Indonesia
UFO sightings are reported almost from all over the world. Although more exposure in Europe and America, as reported from the UK recently, the UFO was stopped also in Africa and Asia.

As the largest archipelago country in Asia, Indonesia is a state which is often called on UFOs. At least according to reports, no less than 125 times the sighting occurred during a century (1900-2001). UFOs are reported to appear in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Irian Jaya, and air space and territorial waters of Indonesia.

Based on the record Beta UFO Indonesia, at least three times a UFO ever seen in Medan, and several times in North Sumatra. Sighting report was dated January 28, 1953, June 26, 1955, and the first week of November 1968. When coupled with other reports, also never appeared in the 1980's in the area of ​​Medan's Polonia and 1990s in the area Sibayak Mountains. There are also reports of UFO sightings in the Network, Asahan (25 February 1953), then in Bagan Siapi-fire (6 November 1957).

Several other information sources mentioned that the Indonesian military had done the shooting of a UFO. It happened in Surabaya around the year 1964. According to the story, for seven days as the sky was dark or before dawn, a number of UFOs unidentified air defense radar on a military base Surabaya. When the UFO reappeared, cannons fired counterforce air strikes. However, the UFO swiftly dodge.

Report of a type not only appears in Indonesia, air defense artillery fire had also occurred in the territory of the Soviet Union (1950). While the fire fighter to the UFO happened several times as happened in Cuba, the Soviet Union and the United States. Although fighter Indonesia has also been dealing with UFOs, but have not had time to do the shots.
UFO Glance

Are UFOs real? General conclusions and scientific inquiry refers to a mysterious flying objects of extraterrestrial. It was based on a sample of material is left that the material the author is not known and there is on earth.

Although the results of the investigation refers to the possibility of UFO sightings is due to natural phenomena, one eye witness identification of the object is visible, and the heavenly bodies of man-made, military or experimental equipment, but it can not explain some UFO sightings are accompanied by accurate evidence.

It is later revealed that during World War II, Nazi, Hitler's armies had experimented air combat vehicles like flying saucers, but it does not give satisfactory answers about UFOs in the modern era or the period before World War II.

Ancient records of the ancient Hindu literature, the Ramayana has been described about the complicated glyphs. Then in the Fiarun Thutmosis III (1450 BC), there are papyrus that describes a foreign object in the sky in the form of "circles of fire" that flew with the formation. Also of note the Roman period by the year 99 BC Julius Obsequens which states, "... a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, flying in the sky from west to east ..."

In the early days of Islamic history, there is a note that said that Usaid bin Hudhair see clouds in the sky like an umbrella. The clouds are very beautiful with bright twinkling objects glow, which was then high-flying disappeared.

Then General Yoritsune the Empire of Japan in 1235, with his troops saw a strange glowing balls that flew irregularly at the night sky near Kyoto.

The spectacular is the document 14 April 1561 in Nuremberg Germany as the sky was filled with objects that look like conduct air combat. It is said that looks small balls and the discs come from a large tube. (Various sources)

Alien Acts of Russia
Dated August 10, 1989, a quiet day in Russia turned into a tense military radar base in the Soviet Union. The monitor detects rapid movement of a UFO. Contact and communication was opened, but not responded.

According to the procedure, the alarm alert is sounded. And a squadron of MIG-25 fighter aircraft prepared to conduct an ambush. Komuniksi efforts continue, but the UFO is still not responding. Commander skuadon MIG continues to try to contact these strange flying objects. But radio contact unrequited. Then the formation MIG fighter squadron.

UFO preparing to flee, but surrounded the meeting. When included in the line of fire, a MIG releasing a number of missiles. A loud explosion was heard and the UFO wobble, leading to a sharp downward to force the Caucasus Mountains. Presumably the shot of air to air missiles were on target.

Military team then tracked the UFO crash site by helicopter Mi-8. After swirling for so long, they found the UFO debris outside the region Nizhnizy Chegem. Up close look mysterious cigar-shaped object is a length of 6 meters and 3 meters high.

Using a special anti-radiation clothing, military team checks. Turns around the site there are traces of radiation. Although their clothes are designed to withstand radiation, yet some military personnel exposed to the effects of radiation later known.

Then the UFO debris was evacuated by helicopter transport to Mozdok Airbase. The team of investigators into the carcass of the UFO and collect some evidence in the form of aircraft instrument panels and electronic devices that are technologically very sophisticated. They also found three bodies of aliens (two of whom are dead and one still alive). Two aliens were allegedly killed by a falling aircraft components in the top of the emergency landing after being shot down.

The results of research by a team of experts Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova and Alexander Mosolov states, they are trying to save the lives of aliens who are still alive, but all attempts failed. The bodies of aliens were identified from 1 to 1.2 meters tall with gray-colored clothing. Their skin color turquoise mixed with coarse skin texture similar to reptiles.
They have no hair, big black eyes protected petal fingers long and thin, elongated hands.

Various Types of Aliens
Based on the recapitulation of a large number of reports of human contact with an alien species called extraterrestrial, there is the common thread being their identification equations are visible in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The creatures were driving UFO (Unidentified flying object) that its variety is also different.

At least the report which is believed to be based on reliable eyewitness testimony and documentation of intelligence, there are several types of groups of aliens who had come by the earth. Aliens are composed of different races in her physical description.

There is an alien who was green (green), gray (gray) and brown (brown). But the average has a small stature and size when compared with humans. The high in the range of approximately 90 cm-150 cm, bigger-headed, long-or short-handed skinny, bony-fingered webbed or not, edged jet (black) large, smooth, wrinkled or rough like a reptile.

In general, the main form similar to the human body, a pair of hands, feet, head, ears and nose and has a mouth. But about the size of the means of the senses and organs of the body was certainly different. There are aliens that thin-lipped, no lips, no hair, no such person has an ear lobe, and their noses just a hole or a very flat and small.

Based on intelligence data leak, their respiratory systems are almost similar to the lungs in humans. That is, they are likely to breathe air containing oxygen as well. But the remaining evidence showed, their technology far more advanced than human technology of the earth.


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