Monday, September 26, 2011

65 Years Apart, Eventually Mary & John Married

LONDON - The existence will be the phrase that first love never dies (Love Will Never Faded) has been demonstrated by Mary Lyness (81) and John Akings (81).

Mary and John first met while they were both seven years old, and they parted for the first time at age 15, when John decided to join the British Royal Air Force (Royal Air Force / RAF).

After 65 years they were apart, fate finally unite them back. Not wanting to re-split, Saturday the 17 September 2011 and then had them select a day in which they promised at the altar of the remains will undergo a life together.

"I am very happy. It feels like we are still 21 years old. I was fortunate to meet him because he's still handsome, even as a young man," said Mary happily, as it followed Dailymail, Monday (19/09/2011).

"Hopefully we lived to 100 years, so we can have a lot to our remaining life spent together," he added that Mary did not even think of getting married again in his old age was dusk before he met John.

Mary and John, who both have left their respective spouses died, was celebrating his wedding at a church in Keighley, West Yorkshire, England, attended by 200 members of his family.

Their children were both rewarded for their honeymoon to Scotland and to explore the Mediterranean Sea.


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