Friday, September 30, 2011

Articular Asphericity of the Arthritic Hip Creator

The predominant model of the human hip is a mechanical ball-and-socket joint. This description has two key implications: that the motion of the hip is purely rotational, and that the rigid articulating geometry of the hip is a sphere-on-sphere contact. Since the widespread adoption of this model, in the late 1960s, there has however been a persistent thread of literature suggesting that the articulating geometry of the hip is aspherical. The recent widespread availability of three-dimensional medical imaging now makes it possible to empirically assess the applicability of the predominant model. For this research dissertation, two arthritic groups were examined: patients either had primary early-life osteoarthritis of the hip, or hip dysplasia with secondary osteoarthritis. Computed tomography scans, taken as part of routine preoperative preparation, served as the source data for this work. The scans were manually segmented to produce 3D models of the bones of the hip, which were further refined to isolate the bony articular surfaces. These surfaces were fit to general ellipsoids and to spheres, the latter being the ball-and-socket model. The arthritic hips examined had comparable fitting accuracy for both ellipsoids and spheres; however, sixteen of nineteen hips formed geometrically incompatible ball-and-socket joints. The dysplastic hips examined had a notable difference in fitting accuracy, with ellipsoids being a statistically significantly better fit to the hip geometry. The ellipsoid shapes in all cases were aspherical, and in each population formed a statistically significantly aspherical group. There were no trends relating the ellipsoid shapes of bones of an individual joint, nor were there practical differences between the ellipsoid shapes between the two populations. Despite patient groups not being controlled for age, sex, or race, and accounting for typical manual segmentation errors, these results suggest that the hip is aspherically shaped. Thus, the geometric foundation of the ball-and-socket motion may be unsupported, and the conventional kinematic description of the hip may be called into question.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Subtle Creatures World

In fact, many people are interested in examining the world of delicate creatures, perhaps they heard several stories or reading or writing of books.

For people who have achieved true knowledge in kejawen or perhaps already mastered the metaphysics, the world's delicate creature ordinary existence, instead of crap. Below is described the information from their worlds Javanese version, which (more than one world) at least that happens on the ground of Java.

Many experts kejawen have the same opinion that in a world that one and the same is, in fact inhabited by seven kinds of natural life, including nature which is inhabited by humans.

In this world of life which has seven channels occupied by a variety of creatures. Beings-beings of the seven natural, in principle, they take care of their respective worlds, their activities do not mix any nature having affairs respectively. Of the seven human nature it is only natural that the sun and has a population that consists of humans, animals and others have a physical body.

Residents of six other realms they have bodies of light (Cahya agency) or who is popularly known as fine creatures - wong alus - invisible creatures.

At 6 there was no natural light of day because there is no sun clang. The situation is like the atmosphere of a clear night under the moonlight and the stars bright, so there was no blinding light such as sunlight or bagaskoro (Java smooth)

There are two kinds of creature reputedly fine:

Delicate creatures that are native born - created as a delicate creature.
Delicate creatures that come from humans who have died. As with humans there is good and evil, there is a clever and stupid.

Delicate creatures-creatures who live in their native world respectively, they have a community then that there are subtle beings who have high positions such as kings, queen, queens, ministers, etc., on the contrary there is such a low-ranking soldiers, officials, workers etc..
This fact is not just an illusion or a mere shadow, that other world, among others:

1. Merkayangan
Life in these channels is almost the same as life in the human world, except for the absence of light rays like the sun.
In the world of merkayangan they smoke, cigarettes are just like the human world, paid the same money, wear the same kinds of clothing, there are many cars of the same type in the streets, there are many factories in the world just like humans. The odd thing is, they have more sophisticated technology than human, more modern cities there langt scrapers, planes, etc. are ultra modern.

There are also things that are mystical in this Merkayangan world, it is sometimes necessary when there are also people who were invited by them, among other things: perform puppet shows, attended a marriage ceremony, works in batik, cigarettes and human beings who have done the job in the world, they were paid for with money the legal and valid as currency in the world.

2. Jin-Demon
Delicate creature is said to prefer to live in areas of air in water as lakes, seas, oceans, etc., arranged stealth society like ancient society. They have King, Queen, Aristocrat Group, Kingdom of Employees, servants, slaves, etc.. They can stay in the palace, palace, royal houses, homes, etc. old-fashioned.
If people go visiting Yogyakarta or Solo-Central Java, people will hear stories about some phantom among others: Kanjeng Queen of South - South Sea Queen, Queen of the legendary, powerful and very beautiful, who lived in his palace in the South Seas, with the gates Parangkusumo . Parangkusumo is famous as a meeting place between Panembahan Senopati and Kanjeng Queen of South, at the meeting, Kanjeng Queen of South pledged to protect all of the king and the kingdom of Mataram.

He had a meek woman who is faithful and powerful Nyai Roro Kidul, the kingdom of the southern ocean is spread out on the South Coast of Java Island, in some places it has a royal Duke. Like disebuah ancient country in the southern ocean kingdom also there are various ceremonies, rituals etc. and they also have a strong army. Bongso-Ruler Sarpo Pening Swamp.

A large lake is located near the town of Magelang and Semarang Ambarawa. This original stealth Sarpo Bongso, who has lived in the lake for a long time resident groups together with stealth. While not the original Queen of South Kanjeng stealth, a few centuries ago he was a dikerajaan Gusti in Java, but patihnya Nyai Roro Kidul is the original stealth since several thousand years ago.

3. Kajiman
They live in the homes in a community of ancient aristocratic style, similar to the stealth but they were living in mountainous areas and places where hot air. People usually call Jim Peacock.

4. Demit
This people residing in mountainous areas are green and the weather was cooler, the houses of their simple shape made of wood and bamboo, they are like humans only a smaller body form.

Besides the people who already regularly as Merkayangan, Demon, Kajiman, and there's more Demit two explain more detail, a brief second it is for those people who are honest, pure and wise. Delicate creatures that are not perfect.
Besides the seven kinds of permanent nature, there is a line being pinched, where the spirits of evil human beings who suffer because of mistakes they have done in the past, when they live as human beings.
Humans are wrong it must be accepted for errors hukumaan it does, the sentence can be lived in while he was alive in the world or worse at the time of after-life (afterlife) is received by people who already do: slander, dishonest, prewangan (people which provides its body to serve as a medium by subtle beings), Blackmagic, charms that make other people suffer, get sick or die, etc., pengasihan so loved by others in ways that are not fair, killing people, etc. dishonorable deed.

Worshiping idols to be rich (pesugihan) is an idol in the Javanese are not statues, but is nine kinds of delicate creature that he said, "helpful" people to become rich with an abundance of wealth meterial.
The cult of the evil creature is the ninth fatal mistake, they were when viewed with the naked eye looks like:

Jaran Penoreh - a horse whose head was turned backward
Srengara Nyarap - dog bite
Jimbung struck - struck a large
Bubrah cage - enclosure damaged
Umbel Molor - snot dripping
Curse of the myopic - fish compatriots, his eyesight is not bright
Gemak Melung - gemak, like birds chirping
Flying-Fox Ngising - bats defecate
Pickpocket White - white alligator.

For those who have done wrong with the way worship or use "good offices" idols above, they would be punished after "death" bodies and souls punished Paraning dumadi sangkan requirements (coming from the sacred, holy life in this world and back to holy).

Various kinds of punishment after life
This is a very severe punishment, there is no suffering that this weight, so that every person should try to avoid it.

How? simple: give thanks to Almighty God by doing good deeds and correct, well-behaved, honest, helpful, do not cheat, do not steal, do not kill, do not torture, do not do things that are ugly and blasphemous.

There is a Javanese proverb that says "may come Ngombe Urip iku" means to live in this world is to stop drinking, it means that people live in this world only a short time then it is appropriate Act

Alien autopsy

For thousands of years, the UFO was earth shattering. Along the way the mystery yet to unfold. A hundred thousand times sightings in various countries around the planet earth, perhaps there have been accidents causing casualties, and may be debris left UFO and alien bodies.

Beginning in July 1947, a rancher from southeastern New Mexico Roswell, William W. Brazel, found the unidentified flying object that crashed in the north of Roswell. He reported his findings to the U.S. Army Air Base (U.S. Army Air Forces) in Roswell. The military responded to the report and send their teams to the area of ​​accident in the desert of New Mexico.

On July 8, 1947, Lt. Walter Haut of the 509th Division of the Roswell Army Air Force under the command of Colonel William Blanchard wrote a press release published in local media about the discovery of flying saucer debris, following some of the bodies of unidentified creatures from outer space.

But several hours later, by order of the Colonel William Haut-General Roger Ramey and rewriting the press release (published the day after the release of the first published) by stating that their findings are not a UFO than a weather balloon debris!

But a dozen years after that, a number of witnesses, including workers and scientists at the Roswell military base to give testimony.

They claim there is truly a material foreign aircraft (UFO) and the body being secured from the site fall into the military base at Roswell. The creature was like a human, however small, wrinkled skin, head and large eyes, short arms, ears and nose sank into.

Roswell incident was a controversy. U.S. government efforts to cover up the facts, make a lot of parties who believe that there is something very important is being hidden. Many are convinced that Roswell is a historic place in the phenomenon of UFOs and "visitors from outer space".

A number of attempts to uncover the mystery of Roswell fishing in a series of studies, both scientific and paranormal. The belief that a UFO crashed on Earth increasingly thick with rumors of alien bodies at Roswell. Then launch a number of research reports about UFOs and aliens who were already there since thousands of years ago.

Debris and Bodies
Summer of 1953, an alien flying object crashed in the Arizona desert. U.S. Air Force (USAF) to send a special team to the crash site and witnesses said that they did the evacuation of five bodies of aliens. Beings who were evacuated from the UFO-like humans, but long-sleeved, has four webbed fingers, one of whom appears to be still moving.

September 14, 1957, a Brazilian newspaper columnist, Ibrahim Sued, a letter containing the information and sample pieces of metal that comes from the so-called UFOs. The letter mentioned that the sample was drawn from a UFO crash site at Beach Ubatuba, Sao Paulo. Test against the metal pieces showed that the material was not recognized and not found on earth.

In 1965, there were reports of UFO landings in Pretoria, South Africa. Eyewitnesses said the UFO diameter of 9 meters (30 feet). Once aware of human presence, it aired in seconds and disappeared. Research shows, leaving ruts pendaratnya hole 90 cm wide, and there is an area burned in the former driver of the engine area of ​​1.8 meters.

An eyewitness named Pedley reported UFO sightings in the Tully River, north Queensland in Australia in 1966. Pedley approached the area with small lake, as interested in seeing objects that move quickly flew into the sky from that location. In the former the object is floating, it looks strange circular marks in the grass with a diameter of 9 meters wide.

March 1968 in Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region (ex-USSR territory), a flying saucer was reported falling in the forest edge. Soviet military immediately shut down the area and conduct investigations. A year later, intelligence documents show the process of an autopsy on the bodies being recovered from the rubble dwarf UFO, made Russian scientists in Moscow.

1971 in Kansas, a boy, Ron Johnson, who saw an object similar to herding sheep shiny multicolored umbrella mushrooms, flying in the night sky, hovering 25 meters away from Ron over the trees. After the UFO had disappeared, he found a ring shining in those locations. Curiously, these rings remain luminous for several years.

The big question is still spinning in our minds. Not only the question of whether UFOs and aliens were indeed there, but from where UFOs and the aliens come from?

UFO sightings in Indonesia
UFO sightings are reported almost from all over the world. Although more exposure in Europe and America, as reported from the UK recently, the UFO was stopped also in Africa and Asia.

As the largest archipelago country in Asia, Indonesia is a state which is often called on UFOs. At least according to reports, no less than 125 times the sighting occurred during a century (1900-2001). UFOs are reported to appear in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Irian Jaya, and air space and territorial waters of Indonesia.

Based on the record Beta UFO Indonesia, at least three times a UFO ever seen in Medan, and several times in North Sumatra. Sighting report was dated January 28, 1953, June 26, 1955, and the first week of November 1968. When coupled with other reports, also never appeared in the 1980's in the area of ​​Medan's Polonia and 1990s in the area Sibayak Mountains. There are also reports of UFO sightings in the Network, Asahan (25 February 1953), then in Bagan Siapi-fire (6 November 1957).

Several other information sources mentioned that the Indonesian military had done the shooting of a UFO. It happened in Surabaya around the year 1964. According to the story, for seven days as the sky was dark or before dawn, a number of UFOs unidentified air defense radar on a military base Surabaya. When the UFO reappeared, cannons fired counterforce air strikes. However, the UFO swiftly dodge.

Report of a type not only appears in Indonesia, air defense artillery fire had also occurred in the territory of the Soviet Union (1950). While the fire fighter to the UFO happened several times as happened in Cuba, the Soviet Union and the United States. Although fighter Indonesia has also been dealing with UFOs, but have not had time to do the shots.
UFO Glance

Are UFOs real? General conclusions and scientific inquiry refers to a mysterious flying objects of extraterrestrial. It was based on a sample of material is left that the material the author is not known and there is on earth.

Although the results of the investigation refers to the possibility of UFO sightings is due to natural phenomena, one eye witness identification of the object is visible, and the heavenly bodies of man-made, military or experimental equipment, but it can not explain some UFO sightings are accompanied by accurate evidence.

It is later revealed that during World War II, Nazi, Hitler's armies had experimented air combat vehicles like flying saucers, but it does not give satisfactory answers about UFOs in the modern era or the period before World War II.

Ancient records of the ancient Hindu literature, the Ramayana has been described about the complicated glyphs. Then in the Fiarun Thutmosis III (1450 BC), there are papyrus that describes a foreign object in the sky in the form of "circles of fire" that flew with the formation. Also of note the Roman period by the year 99 BC Julius Obsequens which states, "... a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, flying in the sky from west to east ..."

In the early days of Islamic history, there is a note that said that Usaid bin Hudhair see clouds in the sky like an umbrella. The clouds are very beautiful with bright twinkling objects glow, which was then high-flying disappeared.

Then General Yoritsune the Empire of Japan in 1235, with his troops saw a strange glowing balls that flew irregularly at the night sky near Kyoto.

The spectacular is the document 14 April 1561 in Nuremberg Germany as the sky was filled with objects that look like conduct air combat. It is said that looks small balls and the discs come from a large tube. (Various sources)

Alien Acts of Russia
Dated August 10, 1989, a quiet day in Russia turned into a tense military radar base in the Soviet Union. The monitor detects rapid movement of a UFO. Contact and communication was opened, but not responded.

According to the procedure, the alarm alert is sounded. And a squadron of MIG-25 fighter aircraft prepared to conduct an ambush. Komuniksi efforts continue, but the UFO is still not responding. Commander skuadon MIG continues to try to contact these strange flying objects. But radio contact unrequited. Then the formation MIG fighter squadron.

UFO preparing to flee, but surrounded the meeting. When included in the line of fire, a MIG releasing a number of missiles. A loud explosion was heard and the UFO wobble, leading to a sharp downward to force the Caucasus Mountains. Presumably the shot of air to air missiles were on target.

Military team then tracked the UFO crash site by helicopter Mi-8. After swirling for so long, they found the UFO debris outside the region Nizhnizy Chegem. Up close look mysterious cigar-shaped object is a length of 6 meters and 3 meters high.

Using a special anti-radiation clothing, military team checks. Turns around the site there are traces of radiation. Although their clothes are designed to withstand radiation, yet some military personnel exposed to the effects of radiation later known.

Then the UFO debris was evacuated by helicopter transport to Mozdok Airbase. The team of investigators into the carcass of the UFO and collect some evidence in the form of aircraft instrument panels and electronic devices that are technologically very sophisticated. They also found three bodies of aliens (two of whom are dead and one still alive). Two aliens were allegedly killed by a falling aircraft components in the top of the emergency landing after being shot down.

The results of research by a team of experts Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova and Alexander Mosolov states, they are trying to save the lives of aliens who are still alive, but all attempts failed. The bodies of aliens were identified from 1 to 1.2 meters tall with gray-colored clothing. Their skin color turquoise mixed with coarse skin texture similar to reptiles.
They have no hair, big black eyes protected petal fingers long and thin, elongated hands.

Various Types of Aliens
Based on the recapitulation of a large number of reports of human contact with an alien species called extraterrestrial, there is the common thread being their identification equations are visible in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The creatures were driving UFO (Unidentified flying object) that its variety is also different.

At least the report which is believed to be based on reliable eyewitness testimony and documentation of intelligence, there are several types of groups of aliens who had come by the earth. Aliens are composed of different races in her physical description.

There is an alien who was green (green), gray (gray) and brown (brown). But the average has a small stature and size when compared with humans. The high in the range of approximately 90 cm-150 cm, bigger-headed, long-or short-handed skinny, bony-fingered webbed or not, edged jet (black) large, smooth, wrinkled or rough like a reptile.

In general, the main form similar to the human body, a pair of hands, feet, head, ears and nose and has a mouth. But about the size of the means of the senses and organs of the body was certainly different. There are aliens that thin-lipped, no lips, no hair, no such person has an ear lobe, and their noses just a hole or a very flat and small.

Based on intelligence data leak, their respiratory systems are almost similar to the lungs in humans. That is, they are likely to breathe air containing oxygen as well. But the remaining evidence showed, their technology far more advanced than human technology of the earth.


No matter how people talk about Nostradamus and astrology, prophecy books have been reprinted for over 400 years. This may seem surprising, but the word "Nostradamus" is one of the most searched names on the Internet, even more popular than Osama Bin Laden or Madonna. What do want to know the people in the 21st century about Nostradamus and his predictions?

History researcher, the most prominent experts in the work of Michel de Nostredame in Russia, Alexey Penzensky, said that for more than 400 years of official studies did not show any attention to the works of Nostradamus. Nostradamus lost in history only as an astrologer. We know little about the prophecies of Leonardo da Vinci but knows perfectly well about the treatment, culture and achievements of engineering and design-build; for Nostradamus, he is known only in connection with psychotherapy.

Amateur paranormal immediately realized they had a very good opportunity to consider what they want from each statement Nostradamus. At the end of the 16th century, there were attempts to use the statement of Nostradamus for political purposes. Depending on political interests, some people often interpret some predictions as have been made by Nostradamus.

Alexey Penzensky said that in addition to the predictions of Nostradamus also has composed poems, but people find it funny poems for unusual telegraph style of Nostradamus. It is only in the centuries ago where his poems received awards for new trends in the literature that emerged at that time.

Pollinaire Guillaume, one of the greatest French poet of the 20th century refer to Nostradamus as a great poet. Finally, linguists and historians realize that the predictions of Nostradamus is a masterpiece of all time. No matter how people talk about Nostradamus and astrology, prophecy books have been reprinted for over 400 years which gives a lot of inspiration to us.

Researchers have tried to do a scientific study on the work of Nostradamus long ago, even before the French Revolution. More recently, researchers who studied the works of Nostradamus find some publications with no name on a French magazine in which the predictions of Nostradamus are reviewed in the context of the era and culture where the predictions are made with nothing to do with the future.

Is the main purpose of the predictions of Nostradamus? Many researchers have taken a conclusion that Nostradamus would like to emphasize that history repeats itself.

Only a few scientific papers about Nostradamus. James Randi with The Mask of Nostradamus: The Prophecies of the World's Most Famous Seer (forecast-forecast of the World's Most Famous Astrologer) is one of them but the book was not translated into Russian (as well as Indonesian-ed). Randi stated that Michel Nostradamus was a charlatan or a madman and do not trust themselves to what it does. However, the writings left by Nostradamus after his death showed he was not mad at all.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in early 1990, Soviet media reported that according to the allegations, Nostradamus had predicted that the Soviet Union would end after 73 years 7 months. Of course, in a message to King Henry II, Nostradamus predicted the Anti-Christ in one day closer to the date of an eclipse of October 12, 1605. And Nostradamus was not the only person who predicted the existence of anti-Christ during that period.

In his work, Nostradamus did not use the letters and word games-word or the names secret. It often happens when a handyman compositor confuse the names of small cities and villages. The surprise was Nostradamus did not mention such places like Novgorod, Berlin, Warsaw or Krakow at the time when people already know those places. But forecasters say a lot of small urban areas where it is difficult to be found on the maps detail today.

Nostradamus has a library consisting of approximately 50 volumes of books or more which is not typical for people who are not from the nobility. He has a guide which states urban urban-small in France. Unfortunately, many commentators have failed to find the names mentioned in the works of Nostradamus was the real names of towns in France.

For some reason, the world knows little about the Russian monk Avel prophet who predicted the overthrow of the Romanovs Royal Family is more than a century before terjadian real. Alexey Penzensky said that the predictions about the legend Avel not written during his lifetime so that they can not be studied scientifically. Very many of the predictions legend in the West. It is important that the predictions of Nostradamus published in 1555. At the same time, many published predictions that have been forgotten in the West. Stylists create works of Nostradamus Nostradamus writings became very popular.

Michael Mc Clellan,
penhamat metaphysics and a reading specialist
Nostradamus suggests a number of important predictions. following


the whole world will be involved and will use advanced weapons in 1001 (allegedly appear from the middle east).


[Century IV paragraph 67]
a period of turmoil began with the period of geological shifts
bumi.gempa, volcanic eruptions, and disruption of weather systems become
worrying signs of nature.
consequently famine happening everywhere while in the other hemisphere flood occurred DISASTER!.
the nation PROSPEROUS particularly western nations would be weakened. they
will be defeated by the Civil and the person who will fight to the full
UNITED STATES air.kekuasaan be defeated by acts of nature's great
fierce. economically, the U.S. will be bankrupt and the three countries
Another big will send aid to civilians who suffer.


[Century VIII paragraph 29]
when org2 suffer, the king of terror will emerge as a HERO who is really just a tactic for org yg slavery helped.
king of terror will use natural disasters as opportunities to overthrow the rule of government. MIDDLE EAST will be the basis.


[Century II, paragraphs 23 and 81]
king of terror will MWENGAMBIL OVER IRAN with menggunakkan trap
through political tokoh2. betrayal will appear and war
civilians there a representative will appear but will be killed when iran
alih.kekuasaan king of terror will be taken in ekkspansi up to eropas
then to the Mediterranean. He also will bring together who NORTH AFRICA
sympathetic because of cultural background with asia and middle east.


a ruler in the east of the middle managed to get a nuclear weapon
and will launch it akbiat obsession with war. STATE THAT
HAVE A BEACH in the Mediterranean.
one of the bombs will fall on the land and waters of the Mediterranean, poison
entire ikan2, there disebuah the rocky Mediterranean coast east


[Century III verse 60]
YOUNG MAN appears as a dark-skinned leader of the country
World-3 with the aim of uniting to fight the 3rd world negara2
developed countries in particular around each Adriatic Sea, the Caspian and ISRAEL.
(Confirmed by mc clellan LOT D refers FORECAST THIS EVENT)



is irony when a movie described the killings george w.bush
who WILL RELEASE OCTOBER 2007. This something resembling reality
than a movie. bush would have died 07 May 2007. number 7 is taken
result of events in Iraq over a planned assassination of his father GEORGE BUSH
Sr. 1993.14 mei (2 × 7) years ago.
This means that these predictions may be GAGAL.metode calendar
seven is a calendar of events of the past. such problems
terrorists who have to repeat the past of the future.
incumbent president who will "go" with extraordinary cara2. these predictions

Paragraph 8.73
The great king will be attacked by savage srdadu
unjustly, not far from death
MOM GREED will cause and effect,


allegedly is seroang aktvis CINDY Sheehan anti-war and contrarian wisdom BUSH Tewa in Iraq because her son.
sekaraang he thirst for popularity, but it is still not enough to replace his son who had been missing.
if this verse be true, then CINDY Sheehan will design
scenarios of mass demonstrations in Washington and extends into a riot
large and make yng terrorist disguised as a student with ease
carry out the action.


Lady Diana's death anniversary 10 years will occur where the gloom
Yellowstone volcanic eruptions will haunt IN ENGLAND
thousands of people will come watch this event and it was also diana aka convey his message to the world.


the emergence of Lady Diana on events, many pastors who do not want
recognize the emergence of Diana as a miracle of god. therefore, will
emerged two great camps that one considers the events that are sucking
mere thumb, and others suspect that Diana was a saint
god sent.
peak will occur bloodshed among the church and not a few priests who were killed.

================================================== =========

Nostradamus, Swissair 111 and the Ark of Sirius

How difficult to digest prediction come true. Like Nostradamus of Swissair 111 accident in Nova Scotia, Canada, and NATO bombing of Novi Sad, the following.

Divination is a phenomenon too. No one can ever explain if one or more predictions turned out to be true. The Java community at least know the writers named Jayabaya, which he wrote the works believed to be a picture of the present.

Although often viewed skeptically, Europeans completely dominated the scientific community also has a figure like Jayabaya. He is Nostradamus, figures of the past who is now worldwide because of his prediction.

Strange but true, as is often featured in various articles pseudo-science, what has been written figure this one turned out a lot that became a reality. Although it is necessary to understand koneksitasnya special understanding. In this regard, Space invites the reader to trace the connectivity Quatrain Quatrain VI-97 and II-41 The following (already translated into English) with some events that hard to forget the world.

Quatrain VI-97
Forty five degrees the sky will of burn,
Fire to approach the great new city.
In an instant a great Scattered Will flame leap up,
When They want to have proof of the Normans.

Quatrain II-41
The great star Will burn for seven days,
The cloud will of the make double sun Appear:
The large mastiff will from Howl all night
When the great Pontiff changes his abode.

Similar Jayabaya, Nostradamus break his work into a form such as poetry. He used to call Quatrain. Apart from the absurd to dissect forecast, but it could not hurt us to follow the results of research of Goro Adachi footage, works of Nostradamus American observer the following. Goro Adachi himself was not clairvoyant, he only mathematician who later discovered the formula 'Babylon Matrix' which can be used to break (decoding) that the disconnect between the position of the stars with the predictions come true.

How unique and how the Babylon Matrix itself will not be described here. Space is only a mild decrease writing about these two works of Nostradamus, which of course related to aspects of aerospace.

In the first and second row Quatrain VI-97, Nostradamus wrote: Forty five degrees the sky will of burn, Fire to approach the great new city. Oddities, Goro Adachi find koneksitasnya with: 1. Swissair MD-11 accident 111, 2 September 1998 in the territory of Nova Scotia; 2. NATO bombing of Yugoslav oil refineries in Novi-Sad and 3. Explosion of PanAm Flight 103 plane above Scotland.

Two lines of work of Nostradamus is more or less could be interpreted as: a disaster that accompanied the fire in the air (sky) will occur at the latitude of 45 degrees, and this tragedy into an area (city) the great new. Believe it or not, this is very related to two accidents first. Because, not the location of the fall of Swissair 111 off Nova Scotia and Novi Sad is located at latitude lines (north) 45 degrees.

As stated in the Britannica Atlas (Chicago, 1982), Nova Scotia is located exactly in the coordinates 45.00 ° N, 63.00 ° west, while Novi Sad at 45.15 ° N, 19:50 ° East. And, miraculously, both closely related to the element 'fire'. Furthermore, both also associated with the 'new lands or territories'. It can be seen from where it happened, where 'Nova' or 'Novi' which can also mean 'new'.

As for the PanAm 103 bombing case itself, Adachi link it with the fourth line, namely, that: "When all that want to prove people Norman". Believe it or not, one a prosecutor of cases involving Libyan terrorists are people named Norman McFadyen Scotland. This means that no matter if the line is then refined into 'proof of Norman'.

Lacing Comet SL-9
Still related to aerospace, to the first and second row Quatrain II-41 Adachi persitiwa connect with comet SL fractions (Shoemaker-Levy) -9 that struck the planet Jupiter in July 1994. As written Nostradamus, this event was held for seven days and is associated with a large star or planet can be interpreted also as the largest (in our solar system), which is none other than Jupiter.

So what to do with the line: "The cloud will of the make double sun Appear." In this case, according to Adachi, Nostradamus seems to describe the wave of the SL-9 comet fragments as a rush of clouds that could split the big star (Jupiter) became two of the sun. Well, in this same line, so it seems Adachi added Soothsayer to include elements (big stars shine the brightest) Sirius, which in turn thought to be associated with Quatrain VI-97.

Sirius himself in the science of astronomy is one of the brightest star in Canis Major cluster (which means it is a big dog), also known as the nearest star to the sun in our solar system. Furthermore, Adachi himself a lot to give a description, a brief word that the second quatrain is a special connectivity with complex star Sirius, which is then given a symbol as the 'Ark of Sirius' (The Ark of Sirius).

Whatever it is, although according to the sense of reason, was never found segnifikan relationship between the forecasts with the actual event or events, it must be admitted that it seems like there is no real strength in themselves an astrologer. Whatever the events in question to have to wait hundreds of years. That empathy as an astrologer Nostradamus could describe a plane crash in the right position, should be recognized is also a capability that fenomental.

We ourselves sometimes bothered to want to know the future. About our way of life. About our fortune. Or, perhaps, in a broader scale: what about the fate of the land where we stand, the Earth, in the future.

Back, believe it or not, Nostradamus had written some verses his later interpreted as a prophecy about the tragedy that will be experienced this planet where human habitation. He's never exactly predict that the Earth will be hit by enormous comet on August 16, 1999! The event will arguably similar to the tragedy depicted in the movie 'Deep Impact'. This prediction has reportedly panicked some communities in the world, but fortunately it did not come true.

Then how the story will also be Earth in May of 2000 later? There will be what the hell? Reportedly, on one day in the month, the planets in our solar system line up and will make the Earth 'somersault' because they have to withstand such a large garavitasi. Will it happen?

The world forecast from 2010 until 5079

Nabiah Baba Vanga had predicted what would happen in 3000 in the world next year. Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva born on January 31, 1911 and spent her life living in Bulgaria until she died on August 11, 1996. He lost his eyesight when he was 12 years old when he was swept away by a tornado. He was found alive with sand in his eyes, so blind. Vanga started making predictions when he was 16 years old. He became very famous because of this gift rather quickly. Many statesmen, including Hitler visited him and reported that Hitler left her house looking upset. The world forecast from 2010 until 5079.

Vanga's most shocking prediction include:
"At the turn of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will weep over it." (1980)

Prediction does not make sense at the time. Sadly, twenty years later, that many believe, when the Russian nuclear submarine sunk in an accident in August 2000. The submarine was named Kursk. Kursk - the city (after which the submarine was named), could not have been covered with water mean (maybe that's why he looked so realistic predictions at the beginning).

"Horrible, horrible! American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. Wolves will howl in the bush, and many innocent people become victims. "(1989)

Occurred as predicted. World Trade Center Towers in New York collapsed after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. WTC Towers were dubbed "Twins" or "Brothers." The terrorists drove passenger planes - "steel birds" - into the towers. "Bush" obviously relates to the family name of the current U.S. president.

You can laugh and reject it, or become paranoid. The fact is nobody knows whether it will come true or not, so I guess we have to wait and see.

2010 - Early World War 3. War will begin in November. 2010 and will expire in October 2014. using nuclear and chemical weapons.

2011 - Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animal or plant will be missed.

2014 - Most people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (As a result of chemical wars)

2016 - Europe is almost not there to occupy

2018 - China becomes the new world power.

2023 - Earth's orbit will change slightly

2028 - Development of new energy sources. (Probably controller thermonuclear reaction) Hunger slowly stops the problem. Driving can be served until the spacecraft to Venus.

2033 - ice in the north and south poles melt.

2043 - The world economy prospered. Muslims run Europe.

2046 - Every organ can be mass produced. Exchange of body organs becomes the favorite method of treatment.

2076 - No class society (communism)

2088 - a new disease outbreak. - People are getting old in a matter of seconds.

2097 - the old diseases begin to heal.

2100 - Man made Sun illuminates the dark side of the planet Earth.

2111 - People become robots.

2123 - The war between small nations.

2125 - Hunger in the entire earth (People will be reminded of Vanga again)

2130 - Colonies under water (advice from strangers)

2154 - Animals become half-human.

2167 - a new religion emerged.

2170 - drought throughout the earth.

2183 - Colony on Mars becomes nuclear nation and ask for independence from Earth.

2187 - Successfully two volcano eruption stopped.

2195 - Sea colonies are fully developed, abundant energy and food

2196 - Full mixture between Asia and Europe.

2201 - thermonuclear process is slow. Temperature drops.

2221 - In the search for extraterrestrial life, the human touch with all the horrible things.

2256 - Spaceship brings freighting new disease into Earth.

2262 - orbit the planet began to change gradually.

2271 - The laws of physics changed

2273 - Racial mix of yellow, white and black. New races appear.

2279 - No Energy (probably from vacuum or black holes).

2288 - Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with foreigners.

2291 - Sun cools. Efforts are underway to turn it on again.

2296 - Changes in gravitational force.

2299 - In France, there is a rebellion against Islam.

2302 - The mystery of the universe is revealed.

2304 - Mystery of the Moon revealed.

2341 - Something terrible is approaching Earth from space.

2354 - Drought.

2371 - Famine everywhere.

2378 - a new race to grow rapidly.

2480 - Two man made suns will collide. Earth is in darkness.

3005 - War on Mars. Trajectory of the planet changes.

3010 - Comet crashed into the Moon. Around the Earth - ring / zone of rocks and dust.

3797 - At this time on Earth killed all life, but humans will be able to lay the groundwork for a new life in other star systems.

3803 - A new planet is populated by a few, Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.

3805 - The war between humans for resources.

3815 - The war is over

3854 - The development of civilization virtually stops.

4302 - growing new towns in the world. development of science and new technologies.

4302 - The development of science. The scientists found the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.

4304 - Found a way to cure all ills.

4308 - Due to a mutation in the end people start using their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.

4509 - Understanding God.

4599 - People achieve immortality.

4674 - The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets was 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.

5076 - A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.

5078 - The decision to leave the boundaries of nature seesta. While about 40 percent of the population opposed it.

5079 - End of the World

Believe it or not? It's up to you readers

Monday, September 26, 2011

65 Years Apart, Eventually Mary & John Married

LONDON - The existence will be the phrase that first love never dies (Love Will Never Faded) has been demonstrated by Mary Lyness (81) and John Akings (81).

Mary and John first met while they were both seven years old, and they parted for the first time at age 15, when John decided to join the British Royal Air Force (Royal Air Force / RAF).

After 65 years they were apart, fate finally unite them back. Not wanting to re-split, Saturday the 17 September 2011 and then had them select a day in which they promised at the altar of the remains will undergo a life together.

"I am very happy. It feels like we are still 21 years old. I was fortunate to meet him because he's still handsome, even as a young man," said Mary happily, as it followed Dailymail, Monday (19/09/2011).

"Hopefully we lived to 100 years, so we can have a lot to our remaining life spent together," he added that Mary did not even think of getting married again in his old age was dusk before he met John.

Mary and John, who both have left their respective spouses died, was celebrating his wedding at a church in Keighley, West Yorkshire, England, attended by 200 members of his family.

Their children were both rewarded for their honeymoon to Scotland and to explore the Mediterranean Sea.

This aquarium only can hold 2 spoons Water

This is the smallest aquarium in the world, its dimensions only (lebarxpanjangxtinggi) 30x24x14 millimeters. This aquarium can be placed on your finger.

Although ukuruannya very mini, aquarium also features a large aquarium as decoration.

To fill the water can not be arbitrary because it can damage the decorations on it. Water filling made ​​with water spray.

The fish were inserted with a very small net. This aquarium can be occupied by two male zebrafish are also very small size.

Anatoly Konenko aquarium works from Omsk, Russia, is referred to as the work of 'mikrominatur'. For three decades makrominiatur wrestle, certainly honed ability Konenko sanga.

He pernan world record in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1996 while creating a world's smallest book.

As reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (09/22/2011), by using a microscope, Konenko has created some very interesting work.

"This aquarium is based on curiosity. This is the smallest aquarium in the world. The water can only hold two teaspoons," he said.

Some of his works even very high value, worth 50 thousand euros, or approximately Rp622 million. One of his works is a miniature camel caravan with 12 measuring 0.25 millimeters.

China Opens World's Longest Bridge

China inaugurated use of the claimed longest bridge in the world. The bridge that crossed the sea it has a length of 42 kilometers and supported by more than 5,000 pillars.

Jiaozhou Bay Bridge linking the island Huangdao of Qingdao City.
According to television station CCTV, the bridge which has a width of 35 meters was built to cost more than 10 billion yuan or approximately Rp13, 2 ​​trillion (Rp1, 328 per yuan).

The bridge construction was passed safety checks on Monday, June 27 yesterday. Once declared safe, the bridge and undersea tunnel opened to the public starting today.

The Chinese government takes 4 years to build this bridge. Another unique thing is 5,000 pillars holding the bridge in order to remain robust. So reported The Washington Post, Thursday (06/30/2011).

Claims world's longest bridge is considered correct, because the Guinness World Records has verified it. The previous record was held by the Lake Pontchartrain Bridge in Louisiana, United States (U.S.).

The bridge is known Jiaozhou 4 kilometers longer than the existing bridges in the State of Uncle Sam.

The Fat Earth form on the Equator

The greater part of the earth at the equator. The fact was revealed from studies of data collected by the satellite Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) belonging to NASA and the German Space Agency. Mentioned, the increased accumulation at the equator is caused by the melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

According to Steve Nerem, scientists from the University of Colorado, United States, up to 22 thousand years ago, ice up to several kilometers blanketed most of the northern hemisphere of Earth. Due to pressure from the weight of ice on land has been reduced due to melting, the ground beneath him was bouncing and causing Earth to become more oval. "Similar to a sponge, and it takes a long time that the Earth back to the original form," says Nerem.

For information, early on, planet Earth is not perfectly round. Due to the velocity of rotation, the water in the Earth's surface more clustered in the equatorial region than at the poles.

The scientists themselves to observe the occurrence of "shrinking the fat" on the circumference of the equator. But then there is a change. Around the mid-1990s, it is known that the trend has reversed and Earth re-added "fat in waist circumference," just like a ball which is pressed from above and below it. But they do not have the tools to determine why it happened, until recently.

With GRACE, researchers can test the theory that ice loss is altering the form factor of planet Earth. GRACE take pictures of the Earth's surface every 30 days, allowing researchers to monitor changes in ice mass to changes in gravity. So, if there are changes to the shape of Earth, then there will be changes to the mass distribution. Consequently, the gravitational field is also changing.

Researchers found that the melting glaciers in Greenland and South Pole are the largest contributor to the swelling of the "waist" of Earth as much water is brought to the equator. According to the data, the two hemispheres of the Earth loses 382 billion tons of ice per year. Reduced burden that needs to be borne by the continent allows the soil to rise and make the planet a more rounded, but this process takes thousands of years. Meanwhile, growth in thickness at the equator reaches 0.7 centimeters per decade.

Currently, said Nerem, 21 kilometers radius of the planet Earth at the equator is greater than at the poles. That is, the surface of the Earth's farthest point from Earth's core is not at the peak of Mount Everest, but on top of a volcano in Ecuador that is closer to the equator.

Sumber :
National Geographic

Tsunami Japanese Broke Antarctic Ice

Tsunami in Japan last March broke the iceberg in Antarctica. Combined size of all fragments reach two times the City of Manhattan, the United States.

Researchers from NASA successfully detect tsunami waves as far as Japan moves 13,600 kilometers. These waves reach the south polar region 18 hours after the tsunami in Japan. The wave height is only 30 centimeters was made ??from iceberg iceberg separate Sulzberger.

In addition to waves, ice in Antarctica is also expected to have a relationship with seismic activity. When the earthquake and tsunami struck, the vibrations arising enough to create cracks in the ice of Antarctica.

According to historical records, ice Sulzberger has never moved from his place for 46 years. Only after the Japanese until the tsunami struck, Sulzberger move. "In the past, there are events like this, but we are still looking for its source. Now we know the earthquake and tsunami were Japanese, one of the biggest events in history, could be the cause," explained the specialist cryosphere, Kelly Brunt.

After the tsunami happened, Brunt helped Emile Okal of Northwestern University and Douglas of the University of Cicago Macayeal directly examine the shards of ice floating in the ocean using satellites. After a closer look with the help of the European Space Agency radar satellite (Envisat), found two icebergs, one of which is estimated at City of Manhattan.

"This is an example of how events on Earth are connected to each other, although with very long distances. It also explains how the seemingly unrelated system was very concerned," said MacAyeal.

Sumber :
National Geographic Indonesia

Do not Tell It to the Prospective Husband

When you and he is entering a stage of exploration to the level of the aisle, sharing is a must. However, not everything needs to be shared with the him.

In the book The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say "I Do", Susan Piver suggest we lock the mouth for certain things. Sometimes, this is the wisest course of action to keep your own feelings masiang. However, that does not mean you save a lot of secrets. Sort-select what can and can not be shared with the him.

Piver suggest five things a person should not be disclosed to her partner:

1. Nominal wages
If you work and status is still beloved, should not have to spit in the listed nominal paychecks. Once you know your salary is big enough, he might hope you continue to pay out the grounds for the future should skimp you and him. Another matter if he has officially become a couple living under the marriage bond, nominal wages should you have to say. It concerns a family financial planning that needs dealt between you and him.

2. "Password"
It feels uncomfortable if the he always seemed to investigate you or spied upon. So, avoid this possibility by not giving the password e-mail, Facebook, or other personal accounts. The attitude of spying has no good effect for a relationship. Unless you both share your e-mail account after marriage, it does not matter.

3. Former name
Avoid mentioning the name of a former lover, even if you regard him as the nicest guy you'll ever know. Also avoid remembering the beautiful moments with the former, especially compared with his former partner. It would offend his ego and could even make it no longer attracted to you.

4. Not like his mother
It is no secret, many women who do not like the attitude of the prospective in-laws. If you experience this condition, you should not show (let alone say) this is in front of her. This will probably make him feel pressured to choose you or his mother. Or could even damage the relationship because the he felt burdened with your attitude to her mother. Want to continue the relationship, learn to put up with future in-laws.

5. Other men adored
Worshiped other men? Which women do not like. Although you do not respond to the man, that does not mean you can tell me or even flaunt it in front of the him about it. Believe me, he would not be pleased to hear that. Likewise, if you find that you are worshiping another man, then you should just quietly. The he did not need to know because you could be accused of having an affair with him.

Excess Zinc Trigger Epilepsy

Zinc is an important mineral found in almost every cell. Recent research suggests zinc plays a key role in Increasing one's memory. But it must be remembered also, that excessive zinc intake can actually trigger epileptic seizures.

The findings are published in the journal Neuron. Researchers concluded, zinc plays an important role in shaping the communication between neurons in the cerebrum (the hippocampus), which is central to memory and learning.

"We found that zinc is important to control the efficiency between the two populations of nerve cells in the hippocampus, said lead researcher Dr. James McNamara of Duke University Medical Center, North Carolina, USA.

The research was based on the results of tests on mice, where scientists use a chemical binding of zinc. Without the minerals, the communication between neurons in the brains of mice were damaged. Still, McNamara admitted some findings suggest a link between the consumption of zinc with increased memory.

In addition, McNamara also warned that people remain cautious, especially in taking supplements that contain zinc. "Necessary prudence in the consumption of zinc as an important addition to the memory, the excessive intake of zinc can also develop epileptic seizures," he said.

Zinc can be found in various foods such as grains, nuts, some seafood particular, millet and wheat, cereals and dairy products. However, zinc content of at most can be found in oysters.

How Long Normally Erection?

Erection is a sexual response that arises because of the sexual drive and sexual arousal. In any normal circumstances, an erection is not always the same reaction, depending on the sexual stimulation received. When sexual stimulation is felt not enough for someone, then the erection that occurs not as good as when received adequate sexual stimulation.

In terms of duration, erections may last longer occurs when sexual stimulation received remain effective than when the disturbed sexual stimulation. But in general, in good health and without any disturbance in terms of sexual arousal, erection can be maintained to have sexual relations with both.

As a grip, if an erection does occur during penetration and during intercourse, then this is quite normal. But if an erection is often lost when going to penetrate into the vagina or during sexual intercourse, then this is classified as erectile dysfunction.

5 Threat of Sperm Quality

As an expectant father, fertility must be maintained. One of them by maintaining the quality and quantity of sperm cells. But unfortunately all around us there are many sperm killers, ranging from hot water, chemicals, to everyday habits.

According dr.Andon Hestiantoro, Sp.OG (K), abnormal sperm is the main cause of fertility disorders partner in Indonesia. Therefore, to know what are the things that could threaten the quality of your sperm.

1. BPA chemicals

The chemical bisphenol (BPA) has been shown to cause deterioration of the quality and sperm production. These chemicals are often used in plastics, furniture, paper and ink are also causes hormone disruption on boys. Experts believe there is the greatest source of BPA in food cans. For that, choose fresh foods every day.

2. Pesticide

Pesticides used to eradicate pests often left on the leaves or skin of fruits and vegetables. Always wash vegetables and fruits that will be consumed in running water before consumption.

3. Sitting too long

Sitting too long, so is the habit of wearing tight celanan and soak in hot water will lead to increased testicular temperature, whereas the temperature of the testes should be cooler than body temperature. If the testicular temperature above normal, then the production of healthy sperm will not be optimal.

4. Smoke

Too old to be smoking not only increases the risk of cancer but also buries your expectations to become a father. In addition to causing impotence, cigarette smoke also has thousands of chemicals that can damage sperm quality.

5. Obesity

Keep your weight under normal conditions through the exercise because the accumulation of fat in the body will interfere with the hormone testosterone, the hormone that an important effect on sperm production. Nevertheless exercise should be done according to ability. Research shows that excessive exercise would cause the body to release too much steroid hormone effect on fertility.


Resomasi, Technology Cremation Without Smoke

nvironmentally friendly life, death must also be environmentally friendly too. This is presumably motto Scottish firm that promotes "resomasi", a new way to burn or cremate the bodies which do not produce smoke and more environmentally friendly.

Resomasi could cremate the bodies as fast as with the crematorium cremation. "To the public, what will they look no different from the standard process of cremation," said Sandy Sullivan, founder and manager of Discovery Resomation Ltd. was quoted as saying on Tuesday (06/09/2011).

Resomasi not use fire, but the use of water and potassium hydroxide compound basakuat. In the process resomasi, the corpse is placed in a capsule similar to the crematorium and then filled with water and potassium hydroxide compound.

Furthermore, water is heated. After 2-3 hours, the corpse is left only the bones are then diabukan and given to the family of the deceased. Water that has been used go to waste and subsequent processing can be reused.

Resomasi not only minimize excess emissions and smoke from burning the corpse. Resomasi also ensure mercury compounds that may be granted when the bodies of living when undergoing dental treatment can be safely removed.

"This process retains the cremation. The difference is, this is a process that produces no emissions as on conventional cremation," said Steven Schaal, president of Matthews Cremation of Orlando, Florida. One of the funeral in Florida have completed this tool.

Currently, the use of potassium hydroxide as an alkaline compound penghidrolisis approved for use in Florida, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, Colorado and several other states in the United States. Britain and several countries preparing mengadopso this method.

"If you stand in front of the cremation process, with heat and fire, this looks like the violence. You can switch to another and know that resomasi quiet place. This is done with stainless steel and sterile," said Sullivan. Sullivan said, resomasi is the best way to become ashes.


Earth is Jupiter Fail

Rocky planets, including Earth, is a true giant gas planets like Jupiter that fail to form. It is based on the latest theories of planet formation revealed by Sergei Nayakshin, an astronomer at the University of Leicester, as reported by, Friday (16/9/2011) ago.

Theories of planet formation is generally believed today is the core accretion. At first, there is a giant disc of gas around newly born stars. Dust particles on the disk that coalesce to form larger objects called planetesimals which then form larger structures.

As a result of that process, the mass that formed was greater. At a certain mass, called critical mass, gravity will pull the mass of gas contained in the disk around the lump. Thus, rocky planets then formed from a long and complicated process it.

Nayakshin proposed a new theory called tidal downsizing. Based on this theory, initially formed clumps of gas in zones far from where the planets are generally found so far. In the process, clumps of gas cools and shrinks to a still relatively massive planets, about 10 times the size of Jupiter.

During the shrinkage takes place, the dust particles contained in disks of gas coalesce into larger and then "fall" into the center of the blob of gas, solids forming a solid in there. This is where rocky planets eventually formed primitive with a blob of gas in the outer wrapper.

The next event, bring the disc of gas this primitive planet near the star. Gas wrapping primitive planet is then "eaten" by the parent star. The part that "saved" only the core are solid and some gas, were saved because its density is relatively large.

Expropriation process gas is then formed wrapper Super Earth planet or rocky planet like Earth. In other words, Super Earth and planetary rocks is basically a gas planet that has no chance to grow up because the mechanism in the universe and the "crime" of the star.

Nayakshin outlining a new theory of planet formation in the Monthly Notice Royal Astronomical Society's journal which was published last August. He admitted, as a new theory, there are still many shortcomings that must be covered and yet to be tested. He hopes the scientists deign examine further describing the theory.

Responding Nayakhsin theory, Aaron Boley of the University of Florida who did research on the formation of gas giant planets say that the process of tidal disruption allow life to evolve on a star system that is more varied. "This is another way nature creates the planet," said Boley. The more planets, the greater the potential for life.

Nayakhsin himself said, the core accretion model and the tidal disruption has physical measures are the same but different proportions. "In this case, the final model may be combined," he said. He also menbambahkan that rocky planets that formed in the process of tidal disruption may be measuring a "zero to 10 Earth masses."

There is a potential crash satellite crashes in Indonesia

As reported previously, the wreckage of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) is expected to fall on Friday (09/23/2011) tomorrow. NASA reveals that the approximate location of the fall of junk this satellite is between 57 degrees north latitude to 57 degrees south latitude.

Seen today, the professor of astronomy and astrophysics LAPAN, Thomas Djamaluddin said, "When asked if there is potential for the satellite crashed into Indonesia, the answer is no. All areas are in the range of 57 degrees north latitude to 57 degrees south latitude potential."

However, Thomas explained, until now, everything is uncertain. Met on Thursday (09/22/2011) afternoon in Jakarta, he said, now there is still a satellite at an altitude of 190 km and is still difficult for scientists to predict the time and place of the satellite's fall.

"If the satellite is already on the critical altitude, 120 km, just predictable. At that altitude, satellites can only be said to fall. This is because the atmosphere at that altitude is more dense so that the satellites move faster," explains Thomas.

Thomas said, it is estimated there are 26 pieces of the satellite will fall to Earth. Largest fragment size is estimated to 150 kg and there are small pieces that might fall. Distribution of fragments predicted quite extensive, reaching hundreds of kilometers.

According to Thomas, not like a meteor that burned when it entered Earth's atmosphere, some satellite components can indeed survive the atmosphere. Types of components that survived were made of titanium base.

For countries affected by satellite wreckage, Thomas said, "There is a rational exchange for the country that fall. Satelitrnya itself easily identified. Now all the space junk can also be identified belongs to whom. There is international law to make claims."

The possibility of an accident resulting in a direct satellite wreckage in humans is very small. Material that falls also not radioactive. However, NASA asked the people who find to report. Last thing to know is there's no point collecting junk.

Hypertension is Higher risk of Suffering From a Decline in Libido

Women who suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension is higher risk of suffering from a decline in libido, sexual dysfunction, compared with women with normal blood pressure.

Michael Doumas and his team of researchers from the University of Athens concluded that after conducting a study of 400 women who perform in an outpatient clinic in Greece.

Doumas found that female sexual dysfunction is more common in those who suffer from hypertension or taking drugs lowering high blood pressure in the long run, compared with women who are not hypertensive.

Besides age and length of a person suffering from hypertension also affect the sex drive is reduced. The older age of a person the higher their risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction.

Hypertension occurs when blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg. The main causes of hypertension include a diet too high in salt, as well as heredity.


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