Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Properly do an IRA Rollover

Retiring or leaving the company--How to Properly do an IRA Rollover 

Whether you are retiring or changing jobs, you need to know what to do with your employer sponsored retirement plan before your leave. Once you leave a job for whatever reason, you can choose to: 
•Rollover the money into an IRA (ira rollover)
•Take the lump sum and pay the income tax and potential penalties
•Leave the money at the company if the company offers that as an option
•Rollover the money into your new employer's plan, if that plan accepts rollovers

Realize that the above are options offered by IRS. However, your employer's rules may be more restrictive and if so, there's nothing you can do. For example, if you have a pension plan that offers payout options over your lifetime or jointly over the lifetime's of you and your spouse, but there is no option to rollover a lump sum to an IRA (ira rollover), than the rollover option isn't available to you. In other words, the "summary plan document" rules. You may want to get a copy of that now and have your financial advisor review it so that you know what options you have.

So the starting point is to get the information from your employer plan as to the options available to you.
What is an IRA Rollover?

IRA rollover means to move money from a retirement plan such as a 401(k), 403b (tax sheltered annuity) or 457 (municipal deferred compensation) into an IRA or other plan. If you receive a payout from your employer-sponsored retirement plan, a rollover IRA could be to your advantage. You will continue to receive the tax-deferred status of your retirement savings and will avoid penalties and taxes. 

There are two reasons that rollovers are favored over other options:
•You have virtually unlimited investment selections. Unlike your employer's plan which may have six investment options or even 50 investment options, in a self-directed IRA, you can choose any stock, any mutual fund and a host of other options listed later.
•Company plans often can restrict choices for non-spouse beneficiaries. Specifically, they may not be able to stretch IRA distributions over their lifetime. The benefit of this "stretch" is it defers taxes and allows the funds to potentially grow longer and larger in a tax-deferred environment.
The reason to leave your retirement plan with your company (if they permit this) is because your company plan is covered by ERISA and is protected from creditors. However, under the new Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, the creditor protection will follow the money if it is rolled into an IRA and not commingled with other IRA money (from annual contributions).

Combining with Other Retirement Accounts
The rollover IRA is usually funded by the eligible distributions from a company sponsored retirement plan. These distributions can be combined with your existing IRA(s) or placed into a separate IRA, but see the new creditor protection rule mentioned above. In fact, the IRS permits these funds to be combined with other types of retirement accounts. For example, say you have been self- employed and you have a one-person profit sharing plan (often referred to as Keogh plans), you could rollover the employer-plan assets into your profit sharing plan. Or, if you have a second job and that employer has a 403(b) plan and also accepts IRA rollover contributions, you could rollover your 401(k) balance into that 403(b) plan.

Completing your IRA Rollover
When it's time to retire, you have a few options on moving the money from your employer's plan. 

Direct IRA Rollover:Your employer can directly rollover your retirement plan payout into a Rollover IRA and you will avoid the 20% IRS withholding tax. This is exactly what you should do by providing your employer the name, address and account number for your new Rollover IRA custodian. For example, you give your employer instructions to send your retirement account to ABC securities, account #8889999. Funds are sent directly to the IRA account and you never touch them. This is the preferred method of moving retirement funds.

Payout by Check: If your employer hands you a check for your retirement funds, the employer must withhold 20% for potential taxes. You can avoid the 20% IRS withholding tax on a payout by check from your employer if you deposit the check plus 20% into a rollover IRA within 60 days. In order to complete the tax free rollover, you now have 80% of your IRA rollover in your hand and you must take the other 20% out of your pocket so that you have a completely tax free rollover (you will get the 20% income tax withheld as a refund after you file your tax return). Don't allow your employer to give you a check, as this requires you to take money out of your pocket to complete your rollover.

Taking a lump sum distribution: This is typically not a wise option because you will pay income tax on the distribution and a 10% penalty if under age 59 ½. However, there may be reasons to take a taxable distribution. If you are set on buying a $300,000 boat and spending the rest of your life floating about the globe, then you may need to take your retirement funds now and pay tax. However, if you can avoid using these funds currently, you'll hopefully have a nest egg when you're old.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mind Power and Self Motivation

There’s a important intent behind that. What if every time we made a phone call or personal request or met with a potential new customer, you expected you would be successful? Do you think your behavior would be different? 

If we truly expected success we would make more phone calls, make more requests and schedule more appointments. And that would result in more business, more income, more ease in our workday, and more overall success. 

When we call people or meet with them, we have to hold the attitude that we are offering them an opportunity—an important opportunity, and maybe even the perfect opportunity for them. If they do not go for it, that’s fine. Our responsibility to ourselves is to make the offer. It doesn’t matter what the thoughts and actions of the other person are; it doesn’t matter whether they agree to what you are offering or not. What matters is that you go for what you want all the time, every time, and are as proactive and confident as you would be if you knew you could not miss.

As you well know success is not a destination we arrive at; it is an attitude we hold along the way. All the joy of our professional lives is not in the outcome, but in the process. Do not rob yourself of the satisfaction that lies on the path along the way—enjoy every call you place, every order you take, every presentation you make. Revel in the process of being a success—today. 

To expect more success, more of the time, follow these steps:

- Acknowledge all the small successes in the process. Count your “wins" daily. Wins are all those things that go your way in a given day—the letter you wrote, the VIP you finally got hold of, the parking ticket you eluded, the compliment you received.

- Smile. Both psychologically and physiologically, this simple, easy action improves our well-being, which improves our outlook, which prepares us for all the great things we are expecting to happen to us. To become fit and healthy from a success standpoint, give your smile muscles a workout just like the rest of your body.

- Hold your success attitude in your body. Stand up straight, raise your chin up, keep your shoulders back and feet firmly planted. Feel the power of personal success in every cell in your body.

- Create a compelling success image in your mind. Once you expect your success, see it. Imagine it vividly and in color—what are you doing, where are you, what are you wearing, how does it feel like in your body? Make your success as real as possible in your mind, so your expectancy is even stronger and, as a result, your actions even bigger.

- Use an affirmation or set an intentions. State to yourself over and over what you intend to create today. State your intentions verbally, out loud to yourself; state them silently, in your mind; and record them on a cassette tape so that you can listen to yourself stating what you expect to create in your life. 

- Beyond Affirming, Feel It. Do not stop at the mental part of expecting success. Also feel it in your body. You have felt the good feeling of connecting, achieving, realizing what you want. 

- Be bold. Do all those things today that you know you will do when you are more successful. That is how you will create the success you strive for in your business and life. 

You will never be more successful than you expect you can be. Greet every day with the belief that good things are going to happen to you. Expect to be successful with your calls, appointments and projects. Your work life will be enriched; you will take more risks, make more requests, and seize more opportunities. That will result in a better life, and that is what success is all about. I say that people who expect success not only think they are more successfulFind Article, they actually are more successful. I urge you to vigorously and fully prove this theory in your own life.

The Magic of Inspiration

Most of us grew up hearing the fairy-tale story of "Jack and the Beanstalk" and how Jack traded the family cow for some magic beans.  Initially, it appeared that a con artist duped Jack, but the wealth he and his family obtained from this wild happenstance proved to be just what they needed.  The spirit of wanting something better and the yearning to take care of loved ones drove Jack to put aside fear and doubt in order to make his desire a reality.

Imagine the intense anxiety that Jack must have felt while climbing that huge beanstalk.  He had no idea where the climb would lead him or what he would discover once he arrived at his destination, but his determination was not swayed by apprehension.  He continued moving.  Even when he came face to face with the giant, he did not allow that humongous obstacle to stop him.  He had a purpose.  

Jack's motivation stemmed from basic survival needs - an attempt to purchase food and supplies and take care of his mother.  But once he began the long trek to the top of the beanstalk, his sense of adventure took over.  And, his aspirations became more than just basic needs. 

Whether our motivation comes from family, occurrences, or hopes and dreams, it's important to seek it out and maintain it.  We should fill our physical space and mind with objects, words, people, or experiences that help us to keep moving.  And once we hit our stride, keeping the momentum will become much easier. 

From time to time, we can all use a little magic to get us started on the climb upward to our destiny or to pick us up and set us back on track.  But, fortunately for us, we don't have to put ourselves in harms way to fulfill our goal.  We can simply click on our computers.

Our magic beans await us at the end of our mouse.  We only need to download free inspirational wallpapers to our personal computers.  There's no need to climb large vegetation or escape the hunt of a giant ogre.  A plethora of free wallpapers with inspirational quotes are available for our use. 

And once we've downloaded these magical wallpapers, a world of wisdom, emotions, guidance, riches, understanding, and soul-wrenching inspiration is bestowed on us.  Free inspirational wallpapers help us to find those golden eggs.  They sing beautiful chords of encouragement and enlightenment to our hearts.  Even if we run into giant problems, these inspirational thoughts will aid us in keeping on our path.

Having an inspirational thought of the day right in front of you can make the difference between climbing that beanstalk or not - taking a new path or remaining on the same one, giving up or moving on.  Inspiration is a powerful tool.  It can lead one to places that they never imagined.  A new realm of prosperity, ideas, venture, and success can be had.  AndFind Article, it's all within our control to wield this type of motivation to suit our professional and personal needs.

Self Motivation Secrets

We all have a lack of self motivation at times. We can learn a hundred ways to improve our lives, but then hesitate to act. Something less important catches our attention, or we just don't feel like doing what we need to do. Even a person who is normally highly motivated can sometimes have a hard time getting started on an important task.

Is there a solution? There are probably dozens of them. Below are six of the best self motivation techniques that consistently work when used. Try them all, but if you find even one or two here that work for you, you'll be on your way.

Self Motivation Techniques That Work

1. Talk to get motivated. One of my favorite ways to create energy and motivation is to talk. Once I tell my wife about the article I'm going to write, I'm out of my slump and back at the keyboard. For less inspiring tasks, talk about the larger goals it will help you achieve.

2. Stimulate your desire. Seeing their potential future motivates many to sign up for get-rich-quick plans. The really good salesmen can put you in your imagined dream home in minutes, and make you feel motivated to do anything to make it real. Learn to be your own salesman.

3. Stimulate your pain. One Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique is to mentally link pain with not acting. It is like when finally stop hitting that snooze button on the alarm, and get up because you think you might lose your job. Just imagine any bad consequences that may occur if you don't do what you need to do.

4. Find a true interest. If you have no interest in what you are doing, it might mean you need to do something else. If it's just a task you dislike, but it needs to be done, relate it clearly in your mind to the greater goal. I don't like to drive, but I don't have a motivation problem when I'm driving to the mountains for a vacation.

5. Boost your energy. You need energy for self motivation. Coffee may help for a while, if caffeine doesn't create other problems for you. Exercising and sleeping well help too. Yo should also watch out for sugary foods. The "sugar blues"kill motivation. Once you find energy boosters that work for you, make a list and keep it handy for future use.

6. Take any small step. I've found if I commit to raking up one bag of leaves, I soon want to finish all the yard work. Taking any small step towards your goals is a great self motivation technique. To make this even easier, break larger goals down into small steps.

Motivation techniques really do work, but don't ask me how to get motivated to use them. In any case, you were motivated enough to read this far, so you'll be fine. OhFind Article, and humor is number seven. A good laugh can overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed that sucks away self motivation.

Advice for Self Confidence

  • Overview

    According to Webster's Dictionary, self-confidence is "confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities." There is a balance to achieving self-confidence, because if you have too much, it becomes arrogance. If you are under-confident, it usually turns into insecurity. A healthy balance of self-confidence is a vital part of mental stability for all humans.
  • Exercise

    Even though self-confidence is primarily a mental-health issue, physical health is linked to it. If you feel under-confident, exercising an hour each day will dramatically alter your mood. When you feel better on the outside, you feel better on the inside, too. Try to exercise at least three times a week. Don't make it a temporary routine, dedicate yourself to working out for the rest of your life.
  • Eat Well

    A healthy diet is vital to maintaining a balanced level of self-confidence. Eating poorly reveals a lack of self-control and indicates a low level of self-respect for your own body. Making a conscious choice to avoid junk food and soda means that you want to feel better about yourself and that will help you mentally. But as you continue to eat healthy foods, your physical appearance will become more attractive. When you find yourself attractive, you will become more confident in general.
  • Socialize

    There are many ways to socialize that don't put you in danger of embarrassing yourself. Healthy social groups are found in churches, whether small groups or Sunday services, as well as community clubs. Check your local library for book clubs or other free groups open to anyone. The more time you spend with others, the less self-conscious you will become. Paired with exercise and a healthy diet, you will eventually become so self-confident that you never knew you had a problem before.

Control diabetes - start avoiding white flour, white Salt, tea and coffee

White Flour

Wheat is the most common cereal used throughout the world for making bread. It is a good source of energy. With its essential coating of bran, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent health-building food.

Wheat is usually ground into flour for use as food. However refined wheat flour constitutes a serious health hazard of the various processed foods being used today for their delicious taste, white flour (maida) is especially harmful. The colossal loss of vitamins and mineral in refined wheat flour has led to widespread prevalence of constipation and other related disgestine disturbance and nutritional disorders, particularly diabetes. The consumption of white flour is thus an important contributory cause of diabetes, and its aggravation, if the disease has already developed.

White Salt

Common salt or sodium chloride is a major factor in maintaining the acid base equilibrium of the body. It is also essential for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Thus, while a certain amount of salt essential for the body system, it is required in very small quantities, ranging from 10 to 15 g per day.

Excessive use of salt puts extra burden on the kidneys, may cause high blood pressure, which is closely linked with diabetes. Excessive intake of salt promotes water retention in the body, which in due course may lead to obesity, which is a potent cause of diabetes. Too much salt is thus harmful and may promote or hasten the onset of diabetes.

Salt (sodium chloride) and sodium preservatives are added to most processed foods. A sodium-controlled diet must avoid or limit salted snacks; pickles and many others processed convenience foods.

Tea and Coffee

Drinking tea and coffee is a serious health hazard for the diabetic. The most alkaloid principle in both tea and coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is an addictive drug similar to cocaine in as much as it stimulates the central nervous system. While these effects are short-lived, it has been observed that they lead to withdrawal symptoms of irritability, lethargy, headaches and anxiety. The daily intake of tea and coffee causes indigestion and gas formation, diarrhea, and constipation. They also increase the blood sugar level, which may lead to diabetes or aggravate its symptoms where the disease is already present.

5 Tips to Getting Yourself Moving Again!

Even the word sounds like a disease. No, it isn't literally a disease but it is one figuratively. Simply defined inertia is: resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change. For those of us who are stuck in a job we hate, inertia can sap our energy, drain our lives of joy, and make us miserable to be around. The following 5 tips will help you make the changes necessary to bury your inertia.

1. Update your resume. Yes, you read it right. More than likely one of the accuses you have is that your resume is woefully outdated. Pull it out, look it over, and make the changes. Most importantly ask yourself, "Am I proud of my most recent accomplishments?" Probably not!

2. Start dreaming. You probably already have imagined yourself working outside of your current place of employment. Now is the time to visualize what you want to do. Is it a career change? Do you want to go work for the competition? Do you want to start your own business? Write down your dreams and aspirations and start investigating your options.

3. Widen your circle of friends and associates. Chances are the people you associate with are "enabling" you to stay in your miserable job. Should that be the case, expand your network of peers and start spending time with new people who have fresh ideas who will not hold you back. A positive attitude will vault you forward while negativity is a certain hindrance.

4. Set concrete goals. Telling yourself, "I want to have a new job next year," is not a concrete goal. Plan out your "exit strategy" from your current job and your "entrance strategy" into your new job. Incorporate all the steps you will need to take to get that new job which can include: a refreshed resume, a wardrobe overhaul, weight loss/management, career coaching, and more.

5. Get fired. Well, not really. However, if in the meantime you do lose your job, look at it as a blessing in disguise. Sometimes we need a push in our lives to make the tough decisions we dread, or fear. You can always "fire yourself" by setting a deadline as to when you will leave your current job. Tell yourself now, "this job has ended," and be prepared to get moving.

You have full control over your inertia and only you can decide what to do about it. It is time to move on. You know it, you really do.

Why Elliptical Trainers are Growing in Popularity!

If you work out at a health club you probably noticed that in the last few years there are fewer treadmills, because they are being replaced by elliptical trainers. And although treadmills still outsell ellipticals in total numbers, elliptical sales are growing at a faster rate. 

What is driving the popularity of elliptical trainers? There are two factors that make elliptical trainers so appealing: 

  • Low Impact Workout

  • Upper and Lower Body Workout

  • Benefits of a Low Impact Workout

    Most types of exercise require some type of impact and/or reverse action. For example, when you walk each step is impacting force on your ankles, knees and lower back. That impact is minor in comparison to running, which can be as much as 2.5x your body weight. Over the years that constant pounding can result in long-term injuries and strains.

    Elliptical trainers reduce the hazards of impact through an elliptical motion.It feels like you are naturally walking or running without any real impact or reverse action, and yet it is a weight bearing exercise that contributes to building muscle and bone density. 

    If you look at the side of an elliptical trainer you'll notice the shape of the motion is like a flat circular pattern. Budget ellipticals tend to be more circular and bouncy, while quality machines have a flatter circular motion and more of an even stride. Regardless, the elliptical motion significantly reduces the impact to your joints, and that is why elliptical trainers are appealing to older individuals and people with injuries. It is becoming the exercise machine of choice for the "baby boomers." 

    Benefits of an Upper and Lower Body Workout

    The concept of exercising the upper and lower body simultaneously is revolutionary. An elliptical workout utilizes the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and biceps. There is no other machine that offers this benefit. You are not only exercising more muscle group, you are also optimizing your energy expenditure. That means it is taking less time to achieve more results, like burning calories and increasing your cardio capacity. A number of elliptical trainers allow you to reverse the motion, thereby emphasizing resistance to even more parts of your muscles. 

    By exercising more of your muscle mass you improve fat mobilization, which results in burning more calories and building muscle endurance more efficiently. Certain experts have suggested that this dual action process reduces the perceived rate of exertion. In other words, you are exercising harder without a noticeable difference from a less strenuous workout.

    The benefit of an upper and lower body workout, combined with low impact exercising, are the reasons why elliptical trainers are so popular. And there is one other feature that should be noted. In comparison to treadmills, elliptical trainers require considerably less maintenance. That is due to the fact there are fewer moving parts, and less wear from impact. 

    If you haven't tried an elliptical trainer, get to your local health club or a fitness equipment store and take one for an elliptical spin. Avoid the budget models and test the machines that are at least $1,000+. They have a more natural elliptical motion and are more stable and durable. 

    You'll find that an elliptical trainer can have a major impact on your health and fitness. 

    How Do You Define Success?

    "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."
    ~Arnold H. Glasow

    This really is a great quote. Not only is it interesting but also inspiring.

    One of the truths that I find most frustrating as a teacher and a coach is that many people believe that success, in whatever field of endeavor they are currently striving, is rather like winning the lottery. In fact, it certainly seems from the evidence that they in fact believe that success is even more random because they aren't even buying a ticket. They are simply passively waiting.

    If you listen to people talk you won't hear many people voicing this opinion of success but look around you and watch what people are actually doing--or rather not doing--and you will quickly see what I mean.

    Many people want things--they want to be rich, they want to be at the top of their profession, they want a successful marriage, they want to raise great kids, they want to be respected in their community, and so on. But what do they do to achieve this success? Are they working both hard and smart toward their financial goals and living frugally while they do so? Are they constantly learning and striving at their job? Are they showing their spouse love, consideration, understanding, and generosity? Are they spending time with their children both modeling how to be a good person and being generous with their love and understanding? Are they regularly proving themselves an asset within their community by being a good neighbor in every sense of the word 

    We all know that we must accomplish these tasks as I set them out to achieve success in these areas. Probably I missed something as well. I am hardly a model of success in every area. I would in fact describe myself as fair to middling. {g} I am certainly not rich but the bills get paid and our basics and then some are covered without too much stress. My boss, peers, and subordinates think I am doing a pretty good job as well as those that I serve professionally. While my marriage is in fairly good shape I know I could certainly put more into it. I think I have a great kid but know well my failings as a mother. I contribute to my community but no where near the level that I could or should.

    How do you define success?

    Is it money, career, love, marriage, family, friendship, respect, community?

    For me, success is primarily about love. How many lives do I touch with mine? How many hearts? Who has been changed by my existence in a postive way? I hope that people judge me as a good person and that if I died tomorrow that there would be great mourning.

    If we really want this success then we will set ourselves on fire. We won't wait for spontaneous combustion.

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    When mothers choose ... (afterthought)

    My son,

    When the mother may choose whether slim or big mother because you are pregnant, mother will choose pregnant of you. Because when pregnant of you, Mom feel the wonder and greatness of God.
    Nine-month son. you live in the mother's abdomen. You go wherever the mother goes, you have come to feel when your heart beats for happiness, you kicked my mother's womb, when you feel uncomfortable, because she was disappointed and in tears.
    My son,

    When the mother may choose whether Mother had a Caesarean section, or the mother had to fight had you, then you choose the fight had you. Because waiting from hour to hour, minute to minute of your birth is like waiting in line to enter the gates of heaven.

    Because awesomeness your struggle to find a way out into the world so my mother felt. And that's when the greatness of God enveloped us both. The angel smiled between sweat and groans of pain that she could never tell anyone. And when you are present, crying broke the world. At that moment, the happiest. All the pain and suffering you see a red vanished. MAGIC God created you.

    My son,

    When the mother may choose whether chested beautiful mother, or have to get up at night to menyusuimu, the mother chose menyusuimu. Because the mother has menyusuimu equip your life with droplets - droplets and gulp gulp very precious. Lips and feel the warmth of your body in a chest in sleepiness Mother Mother, is an incredible feeling that other people can not feel.

    My son,

    When the mother may choose to sit linger - the old meeting room or sit on the floor with you put a puzzle to you, then you choose to play puzzle with you. But my son, life is a choice, if the choice of Mother, you feel lonely and miserable, so forgive son .. sorry .. sorry Mom ... Mom ...

    Trust me kid, my mother was perfecting the puzzle of our lives, so as not to

    there is one puzzle kepingpun part of our lives is missing. Believe

    nak.sepi and feel your loss is the most grief Mother.

    Believe me .. you son's life has always been a part of Mother ... ... ..

    Sex Type of her teeth

    In an ancient Javanese book titled Bethaljemur Addamakna reveal the quality of sex that women have seen from the teeth. So if you are a woman who likes to laugh, you need to be careful because people in front of you could be reading your secret.

    The book also reveals the connection form of tooth smile of a woman with a secret sexual quality it has. So what about your teeth? including the type of woman that how you?

    1. Teeth seem rare and small:

    Women who have small teeth and sparse usually have a very bad temper. These women most like to judge others but he will not himself be judged by others. Worse, this woman is never to be outdone in the presence of her husband. The quality of sex that women have also tended to mediocre, and even tended to let go if invited to contact the partner.

    2. Teeth and seemed to be flat:

    Women usually have toothed like a good-hearted nature and helpful. Even the habit of always trying to please her partner. Exciting again, toothed woman like this, clever play on the bed. Even his ability to be reckoned with because it can play for hours in bed. Just how the male flat-toothed women offset this game.

    3. Teeth looks great and rare:

    This type of woman usually likes to slander and always jealous of the success of others. In fact, if his desire is not obeyed, he was often angry and do anything to make her will was met. Men who have wives who like this type should be careful, at least have to wait to address the behavior. Moreover, the nature spoiled face made-up will make us even more upset. So if there are men who get women like this type of tooth, should be able to guide and must be extra patient with everything he does. In the game in bed kind of woman like this would never succumb to her partner and spelled out very aggressive.

    4. Teeth looks forward to the front:

    This type of woman all kinds, small teeth that he usually can still be tolerated, that is not too blackmailing husband. However, if the shape of her teeth were large, the man who got love from this woman must be prepared to accept all the verbal abuse that is sometimes not fundamental. Women with the shape of the teeth like this are usually easy to complain and never accept what has been obtained. But in the bedroom, women like this type of gear including women's groups are aggressive.

    5. Bucktooth:

    If this woman has the right her teeth on edge, certainly add to the beauty of the woman. But if otherwise, bucktooth housed in the front, it will interfere with the face of the owner of the tooth. But basically a woman who has a gear this bucktooth easy to talk to. Despite his vast knowledge rather childish. In matters of sex, she is very smart partner happy. Women like this type of gear is knowing what is desired by their partners.

    6. Teeth looked into:

    Usually women who have teeth like this, very quiet. It may be more fitting to say shy. His shy and less open, make a lot of avid men to open up its nature. If he was flawless in image, many men who will compete to get her teeth into this. Unfortunately in the case of a woman's sex-type gear like this is rather passive. So the man must be clever in order to stimulate these women become active.

    7. Teeth small and neat:

    Generally, small-toothed women have cute faces. People said the baby face, meaning that youthful age of 40 continues despite more. Her nature is pleasant, he can give full attention to the spouse. Helpful and well-spoken. So blessed are the men who get a small-toothed woman and this smart. Because the days are always filled with beauty. Moreover, if above the bed, she was always able to compensate for their partner desires.

    Creating Diamonds From Human Ashes

    Created diamonds aren't new. Gem quality diamonds have been synthesized in the lab for some time and are showing up in many sales catalogs. But a company called LifeGem (TM) has come up with a unique twist on diamond creation. They create gemstones from carbon that's captured during the cremation of human remains.

    It's not a process that will appeal to everyone, but the company is finding that an increasing number of people opt in to the program in order to leave family members a lasting memento, one that's beautiful and one they can wear all the time.

    Getting the Carbon
    Carbon released during cremation is captured as a dark powder, then heated to produce graphite. The graphite is sent to a lab where it is synthesized into fancy colored diamonds.

    LifeGem recommends you use their cremation process for best results, but the company says it can often retrieve enough carbon to make diamonds from previously cremated remains.

    Dozens of stones can be made from one individual. The size selection is currently 0.25 to 1.3 carats, but the company plans to offer larger diamonds in the future. Prices have decreased since the company was formed, so check LifeGem's Web site for current details.

    The LifeGem process gathers only the carbon produced during cremation. The family will still receive ashes of each individual.

    LifeGem says it has an open door policy, allowing you to inspect many aspects of their tracking system. The system follows all remains throughout the entire process, from cremation to faceting. They also offer a more advanced type of system that uses special markers to track remains.

    Diamonds From Pets?
    Yes, the company will produce diamonds from your pet's remains.

    Diamond Quality
    LifeGem says that its overall quality target is to produce gems at the VVS clarity level (very, very slightly included; very, very slightly imperfect).

    It's definitely not for everyone, but LifeGem has indeed come up with a unique memorial option.


    Ledakan BOM terbesar di dunia

    Jika anda berpikir ledakan bom atom yang diledakan di Hiroshima & Nagasaki adalah ledakan bom terbesar di dunia, anda salah..!!!

    Tzar bomb adalah yg terbesar, berikut kutipan dari wikipedia :
    Tsar Bomba (Đ¦Đ°Ñ€ÑŒ-Đ±Đ¾Đ¼Đ±Đ°) yang berarti Kaisar Dari Segala Bom adalah sebuah bom nuklir yang diciptakan oleh negara Uni Soviet. Tsar Bomba adalah proyek dari “Đ˜Đ²Đ°Đ½” (Ivan), pembuatan bom membutuhkan waktu selama 15 minggu dan diuji coba pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1961. Bom ini diuji cobakan di sekitar Pulau Novaya Zemlya, Laut Artik[1]. Tsar Bomba memiliki berat sebesar 27 ton dan diangkut oleh pesawat TU-95 yang merupakan pesawat pengebom terbesar pada jamannya.

    Ketinggian pelepasan bom adalah setinggi 34.500 feet, dan sewaktu meledak memiliki daya ledak sebesar 50 Megaton TNT yang sebanding dengan seluruh bom yang meledak pada Perang Dunia 2 dan dikalikan 10. Awalnya, Tsar Bomba direncanakan memiliki daya ledak sebesar 100 Megaton TNT tetapi dibatalkan karena berdampak luas bagi Atmosfer. Ledakan dapat terlihat sampai 1.000 km dari tempat peledakan.
    Ketinggian Jamur Api yang dihasilkan oleh bom ini setinggi 64 kilometer, ionisasi dari ledakan menyebabkan gangguan radio komunikasi selama berjam-jam. Parasut digunakan untuk mencegah bom meluncur terlalu cepat.
    Bom Tiruan disimpan di Sarov.

    Data-Data Tsar Bomba :
    Negara : USSR / UNI SOVIET (sekarang dah bubar )
    Nama Proyek : Ivan (Bukan Ivan gunawan lho)
    Waktu Proyek : 15 minggu (busyet… kita butuh berapa abad)
    Waktu Uji Coba : 30 Oktober 1961, 11.53am
    Tempat Uji Coba : Sekitar Pulau Novaya Zemlya, Laut Artik
    Berat Bom : 27 Metric ton
    Media Angkut : Pesawat Pembom TU-95 Bear D (pesawat pembom terbesar pada zamannya)
    Ketinggian Pelepasan Bom : 34.500 feet
    Daya Ledak : 50 Megaton TNT, sebanding dengan seluruh bom yg meledak pada Perang Dunia II dan dikalikan 10
    Rancangan awal daya ledak : 100 Megaton TNT dibatalkan karena berdampak luas bagi atmosfer
    Ledakan terlihat hingga jarak : 1.000 km (kira2 klo meledaknya di bali, loe pada yg dijakarta, australia, kalimantan selatan bisa lihat ledakannya )
    Lama Suara ledakan : 49 menit
    Ketinggian Jamur Api : 34.000 feet, ionisasi dari ledakan menyebabkan gangguan radio komunikasi selama berjam-jam
    Accesoris : Parasut, yg berguna untuk mencegah bom meluncur terlalu cepat (bisa mokad sendiri tuh yg bawa bom klo lupa dipakein parasut bomnya )

    Indonesia sets 'optimistic' export target at US$220b

    The Trade Ministry has set two different targets, one optimistic and one pessimistic, for Indonesia's export performance next year. The optimistic target sets exports at US$220 billion, a 10 percent increase on this year's expected figure.

    “The pessimistic target, meanwhile, is US$200 billion, unchanged from the targeted performance of 2011,” Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi said on Thursday in Jakarta, as quoted by kontan.co.id.

    Bayu said the government decided on the two targets because of high uncertainties in the global economy, following the debt crisis in the eurozone and due to some international institutions cutting growth targets next year.

    Indonesia has begun to feel the impact of the slowing global economy, with a 4.2 percent drop in total export values in October, which stood at $16.8 billion, compared with the previous month.

    During January to October however, exports grew by 34.9 percent compared with the same period in 2010.


    Iranian diplomats expelled from London arrive home

    Iranian diplomats expelled from London in retaliation for attacks on British compounds in Tehran have arrived home, the oficial IRNA news agency reports, sealing Iran's most serious diplomatic rift with the West in decades.
    About 150 hard-liners waiting with flower necklaces were gathered at Tehran's Mehrabad airport early Saturday to give the roughly two dozen diplomats and their families a hero's welcome. But the Iranian goverment, apparently opposed to any high-profile display that could worsen the fallout, took the diplomats off unseen from a backdoor, reflecting Iran's own internal political rifts.
    Tuesday's storming of the British Embassy and residential complex - which the British government alleges was sanctioned by Tehran's ruling elite - deepened Iran's isolation, which has grown over the decade-long standoff with the West over its nuclear program.
    Germany, France and the Netherlands have recalled their ambassadors, and Italy and Spain summoned Iranian envoys to condemn the attacks.
    It amounted to the most serious diplomaticfallout with the West since the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy after the Islamic Revolution, and some Iranian political figures have voiced doubts over whether anything can be gained from escalating the diplomatic battle.
    The obstruction of Saturday's welcome ceremony reflected the disagreements between hard-liners and the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which opposed downgrading relations with Britain and condemned the attack on Britain's embassy.


    HIV+ father demands apology from school

    Fajar Jasmin Sugandhi, a father whose daughter has been denied entrance to Don Bosco elementary school in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, because he is HIV positive, has demanded that the school board issue a formal apology to his daughter via media outlets.
    “I demand the school board members officially apologize to my daughter, to me as her parent and to all people living with HIV via five national media outlets, and to hold a press conference to convey their conclusion on the matter,” Fajar said Friday.
    Fajar’s daughter enrollment was cancelled on Thursday, on World AIDS day, Dec. 1, through a text message sent by a school board member saying that other parents had objected to his daughter’s presence.
    Earlier, Fajar’s daughter had been accepted as a student for the new academic year next year. However, the school later asked her daughter to submit an HIV/AIDS test result after Fajar had revealed his HIV status before school board members.
    “I was planning to ask for an official letter from the school board when the school board members invited me to discuss the matter [on Friday],” Fajar told The Jakarta Post after the meeting.
    During the two-hour meeting, Fajar asked for an explanation on the cancellation.
    “They insisted that it was not discrimination because they had asked for the test result based to my own revelation,” Fajar said, adding that there were no parents present to confirm their objections.
    “I don’t want to further argue as it was clear that we have different understandings about the concept of ‘discrimination’.
    “This issue is not about me and my daughter any more. It’s about human rights," he said.
    “They said they needed two days to discuss this issue internally. We will just have to wait for them to announce their decision next Monday,” he said.
    The school representatives could not be reached for comment.
    “Bapak Hartanto is not available at the moment,” a school employee said when The Jakarta Post approached the school spokesman via telephone. (swd)


    Australian teen freed from Bali drug detention

    A 14-year-old Australian boy has been released after serving two months in an Indonesian detention center for buying drugs while vacationing with his family on the resort island of Bali.

    The teenager wore a mask to hide his face from photographers as he walked out of the immigration detention center on Sunday with his parents.

    The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, has promised to enter a drug rehabilitation program after returning home to Morrisset Park, just north of Sydney.

    He was arrested Oct. 4 and could have faced 12 years in detention under Indonesia's tough narcotics laws. The court decided last week to be lenient because he admitted having bought 0.13 ounces (3.6 grams) of marijuana and repeatedly expressed remorse.


    Syahrini and Beckham meet with a kiss

    JAKARTA: David Beckham arrived in Jakarta on Monday, receiving a warm welcome at the airport with an army of Beckham fans snapping photos.

    But, the warmest welcome came from singer Syahrini, who was appointed to greet the soccer star with a flower garland.

    According to Syahrini’s manager, Rendy, the songbird – who said she attempted a Victoria Beckham look for the meet with a distinctive poof of hair – was crying with joy when she met the soccer star.

    “She was so emotional that she cried. She also had a chance to touch his cheeks after landing a friendly kiss-on-the-cheek,” Rendy said.

    He said Mahaka Sports, the game’s promoter, had asked Syahrini to welcome Beckham about a month ago, and she was delighted to accept the offer.

    Beckham and his team, the LA Galaxy, are set to play an exhibition match against the Indonesian all-star team on Wednesday.

    Jakarta Post

    Foto foto korban BOM ATOM Hiroshima

    Saya yakin teman-teman pasti sering melihat adegan bom atom meledak yang foto – foto hasil bom atom dari kota Hiroshima. Bangunan – bangunan yg hancur, kota yg rata dengan tanah benar – benar membuat kita dapat merasakan betapa parahnya hasil dari peperangan. Namun, pernahkah teman teman sekalian melihat hasil fotografi korban-korban pengeboman tersebut? hasil Fotografi dibawah ini menunjukkan betapa dramatisnya nasib korban perang juga kerusakan material yg dihasilkan.

    Foto- foto dibawah ini diambil pada tahun 45 oleh seorang fotografer yg tidak diketahui hingga sekarang. Foto2 ditemukan oleh U.S. serviceman Robert L. Capp yg saat itu sedang bertugas di sana. Berikut foto – foto tersebut

    Saturday, December 3, 2011

    5 Bahasa di Dunia yang Paling Sulit Dipelajari

    Mempelajari bahasa asing memang bukan hal yang mudah. Ada huruf yang berbeda, susunan kata yang tidak biasa, sampai pengucapan kata yang asing di lidah. Menurut penelitian, seseorang paling mudah mempelajari bahasa dengan susunan kata dan pengucapan yang mirip dengan bahasa sehari-harinya. Masing-masing bahasa mempunya tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda. Berikut lima bahasa yang paling sulit dipelajari seperti dikutip dari thirdage.

    1. China

    Bahasa China dianggap sulit dipelajari karena sangat menekankan pada intonasi. Penekanan intonasi yang berbeda bisa membuat arti kata yang diucapkan sangat berbeda. Tak hanya itu, ribuan huruf China yang sulit dan rumit membuat bahasa yang cukup populer di dunia tersebut makin susah untuk dipelajari.

    2. Arab
    Untuk orang Eropa, bahasa Arab memiliki kemiripan yang sangat sedikit dengan bahasa mereka. Membaca tulisan dalam bahasa Arab juga dianggap agak sulit karena pengucapan vokal yang agak berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris. Sama seperti bahasa Cina, huruf-huruf Arab juga menjadi salah satu kesulitan jika ingin cepat mempelajari bahasa ini. Perubahan bentuk huruf dalam kalimat yang berbeda ketika suatu huruf digabungkan juga membuat belajar bahasa Arab lebih menantang.

    3. Jepang
    Lagi-lagi bahasa dengan huruf yang rumit masuk dalam daftar ini. Jepang, seperti sudah banyak diketahui memiliki ribuan karakter dengan sifat yang berbeda. Selain ribuan karakter, ada tiga cara penulisan dan dua jenis daftar suku kata membuat orang harus memiliki ingatan yang kuat ketika mempelajari bahasa Jepang.

    4. Korea
    Struktur kata, pemahaman kalimat, dan konjugasi kata kerja yang berbeda membuat bahasa Korea bukan bahasa yang mudah diserap. Selain struktur penggunaan kata, huruf-huruf Korea yang tak kalah rumit juga membuat bahasa asal bintang K-Pop tersebut sulit dipelajari dengan cepat.

    5. Hungaria
    Bahasa Hungaria dianggap sulit dipelajari karena tidak memiliki kemiripan atau rumpun yang sama dengan bahasa apapun. Tidak seperti bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki beberapa kemiripan dengan bahasa Malaysia, bahasa Hungaria tidak mirip dengan bahasa apapun. Karena itu seseorang harus mulai dari nol untuk mempelajarinya.

    Kesulitan lain ketika mempelajari bahasa Hungaria adalah bahasa ini memiliki sifat kata untuk penyebutan feminin, maskulin, dan netral gender. Selain itu, 7 konjugasi yang berbeda juga membuat bahasa negara yang terletak di benua Eropa tersebut makin rumit untuk segera dipahami.


    10 Fenomena Alam Paling Mengagumkan Di Dunia

    Inilah 10 Fenomena alam paling mengagumkan di dunia :

    10. Ice Circles
    Lingkaran-lingkaran es adalah fenomena yang sangat jarang terjadi di permukaan air dingin. Lingkaran-lingkaran besar es ini dapat ditemukan di wilayah Skandinavia dan Amerika Utara. Fenomena ini terakhir kali ditemui di Inggris pada Novermber 2009.

    9. Red Tides
    Fenomena alam ini terjadi akibat konsentrasi mikroorganisme-mikroorganisme di wilayah pantai, tepatnya di sekitar hilir sungai atau di bibir pantai, sehingga membuat air berubah menjadi warna ungu dan merah.

    8. Columnar Basalt
    Formasi batu yang terbentuk akibat erupsi lahar yang membeku. Fenomena alam ini terdapat di Giant’s causeway Irlandia Utara.

    7. Sun Dogs
    Fenomena alam ini menampilkan 3 matahari pada garis horizon.

    6. Moeraki Boulders
    Batu bundar di pantai yang terbentuk oleh ombak. Terletak di pantai Koekohe

    5. Penitentes

    Fenomena alam yang hanya terjadi di wilayah antara Cili dan Argentina. Fenomena alam ini adalah fenomena salju yang meruncing ke atas yang diakibatkan oleh angin yang kencang di wilayah gunung Andes.

    4. Light Pillars
    Fenomena Visual yang tercipta oleh refleksi cahaya.

    3. Catatumbo Lightning
    Penduduk Venezuela menyebut fenomena ini “Relampago del Catatumbo”. Lokasi petir ini dapat ditemukan di mulut sungai Catatumbo di danau Marcaribo Venezuela. Petir ini tingginya dapat mencapai 5km. Petir ini terjadi 140 sampai 160 kali di malam hari. setiap jam bisa terjadi 280 kilatan petir. Jadi dalam 1 tahun diperkirakan terjadi 448.000 ledakan petir. Petir ini terjadi akibat tabrakan angin yang berasal dari gunung Andes. Beberapa orang mengatakan wilayah ini memiliki lapisan ozon terbesar di bumi.

    2. Cave of the crystal

    Gua yang berisi pilar-pilar kristal yang terletak di sebuah pertambangan di Cihuahua Meksiko.

    1. Pink and White Terraces

    Keajaiban alam dari Selandia Baru yang kini tinggal kenangan karena telah rusak akibat ledakan vulkanik gunung Tarawera di tahun 1886. Fenomena alam air hangat ini terbentuk oleh geyser dan es disepanjang lereng gunung. Di bawahnya terdapat kolam air hangat seluas 3 hektar. Sebelum hancur akibat ledakan vulkanik gunung Tarawera di tahun 1886, fenomena alam ini masuk ke dalam 8 keajaiban dunia.

    sumber: http://www.mypepito.info/2010/04/10-fenomena-alam-paling-mengagumkan-di.html

    10 Sungai Terpanjang di Dunia

    Sungai merupakan jalur aliran air dari darat ke laut yang umumnya airnya berasal dari air hujan, lelehan salju atau dari mata air. Air sungai biasanya memiliki rasa yang tawar dengan warna dan kandungan yang berbeda-beda antara sungai yang satu dengan yang lain. Berikut ini adalah daftar 10 sungai terpanjang didunia :

    10. Sungai Lena berada di Benua Eropa (Rusia) memiliki panjang 4400 km

    sungai lena

    9. Sungai Amur berada di Eropa dan Asia memiliki panjang 4444 kilometer

    sungai amur

    8. Sungai Kongo berada di Afrika memiliki panjang 4700 kilometer

    sungai kongo

    7. Sungai Ob – Irtysh berada di Eropa dan Asia memiliki panjang 5410 kilometer

    sungai ob

    6. Sungai Kuning atau Huang Ho berada di China Benua Asia memiliki panjang 5464 kilometer

    sungai huang ho

    5. Sungai Yenisei – Angara – Selenga berada di Rusia dan Mongolia memiliki panjang 5539 kilometer

    Yenisei river

    4. Sungai Mississippi – Missouri berada di Amerika Utara memiliki panjang 6275 kilometer

    3. Sungai Yangtze atau Chang Jiang berada di Negara China memiliki panjang 6300 kilomete
    sungai yangtze

    2. Sungai Amazon berada di Amerika Selatan memiliki panjang 6400 kilometer
    sungai amazon

    1. Sungai Nil berada di Afrika memiliki panjang 6690 kilometer
    sungai nil

    sumber: http://isidunia.blogspot.com/2010/10/10-sungai-terpanjang-di-dunia.html

    10 Tempat Terindah Di Dunia

    1. Amazon (Amerika Selatan)
    Amazon Rainforest, juga dikenal sebagai Amazonia, hutan Amazon atau Amazon Basin, meliputi tujuh juta kilometer persegi (1,7 miliar hektar), meskipun hutan itu sendiri menempati sekitar 5,5 juta kilometer persegi (1,4 miliar hektar), terletak di sembilan negara.
    Amazon mewakili lebih dari setengah hutan hujan yang tersisa di planet ini dan terdiri dari saluran terbesar dan paling kaya spesies hutan hujan tropis di dunia. Sungai Amazon adalah sungai terbesar di dunia dengan volume, dengan total aliran sungai lebih besar dari sepuluh besar di seluruh dunia dikombinasikan.
    Hal ini menyumbang sekitar seperlima dari aliran sungai total dunia dan memiliki cekungan drainase terbesar di planet ini. Tidak jembatan silang tunggal Amazon.

    2. Angel Falls (Venezuela)
    Angel Falls adalah air terjun tertinggi di dunia, dengan ketinggian 1.002 m, dan terletak di Taman Nasional Canaima Bolivar, di sepanjang perbatasan Venezuela dengan Brasil. Air tejun ini memiliki lebih dari 19 kali lebih tinggi dari Niagara Falls.

    3. Bay of Fundy (Kanada)
    Teluk Fundy yang terkenal karena pasang surut tertinggi di planet (16,2 meter atau 53 kaki). Satu ratus miliar ton air laut mengalir masuk dan keluar dari Teluk Fundy dua kali sehari – air lebih dari aliran gabungan dari semua sungai segar di dunia air. pasang ekstrem Fundy’s membuat ekosistem laut yang dinamis dan beragam.
    Teluk ini terkenal untuk formasi batuan pesisir, efek pasang surut yang ekstrim (vertikal, horisontal, jeram dan membosankan) dan pembangunan pesisir berkelanjutan. Ini juga merupakan tempat mencari makan penting internasional untuk burung migran, habitat hidup bagi paus Hak langka dan terancam punah, salah satu tanaman dunia yang paling signifikan dan hewan wilayah penemuan fosil.
    Teluk Fundy terletak antara provinsi-provinsi Kanada New Brunswick dan Nova Scotia di pantai timur Amerika Utara.

    4. Laut mati (Israel, Yordania, Palestina)
    Laut Mati adalah danau garam antara Tepi Barat / Palestina / Israel dan Yordania barat ke timur. Pada 420 meter di bawah permukaan laut, pantainya adalah titik terendah di bumi yang ada di lahan kering. Dengan 30 salinitas persen, adalah 8,6 kali lebih asin dari laut.

    5. Greet Barrier Reef (Australia, Papuanugini)

    Great Barrier Reef adalah sistem terumbu karang terbesar di planet ini, dengan sekitar 3.000 terumbu individu dan 900 pulau-pulau peregangan untuk 2.600 km lebih dari area dengan luas sekitar 344.400 km persegi. Ini adalah struktur tunggal terbesar yang dibuat oleh makhluk hidup dan dapat dilihat dari luar angkasa.

    6. Iguazu falls (Argentina, Brazil)
    Iguazu Falls, di Iguazu River, adalah salah satu air terjun terbesar di dunia. Mereka memperpanjang lebih dari 2.700 m (hampir 2 mil) dalam bentuk setengah lingkaran. Dari 275 jatuh yang secara kolektif membentuk Iguassu Falls, “Devil’s Throat” adalah yang tertinggi di 80 m tingginya.
    Iguazu Falls berada di perbatasan antara negara Brazil ParanĂ¡ dan provinsi Misiones Argentina, dan dikelilingi oleh dua Taman Nasional (BR / ARG). Keduanya hutan subtropis yang tuan rumah untuk ratusan spesies langka dan terancam punah flora dan fauna.

    7. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)
    Dengan tiga kerucut gunung berapi, Kibo, Mawensi, dan Shira, Gunung Kilimanjaro adalah gunung api strato-aktif di Tanzania utara-timur.
    Ini adalah gunung yang berdiri bebas tertinggi di dunia, naik 4.600 m dari dasar, dan termasuk puncak tertinggi di Afrika pada 5.895 meter

    8. Puerto Princesa Sungai Bawah Tanah (Filipina)
    Puerto Princesa Sungai bawah tanah Taman Nasional terletak sekitar 50 km sebelah utara Kota Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Filipina. Ini fitur karst batu kapur lanskap gunung dengan km 8.2. dinavigasi sungai bawah tanah. Sebuah fitur yang membedakan sungai adalah bahwa angin melalui sebuah gua sebelum mengalir langsung ke Laut Cina Selatan.
    Ini mencakup formasi utama dari stalaktit dan stalagmit, dan beberapa ruang besar. Bagian bawah sungai dikenakan pengaruh pasang surut. Sungai bawah tanah yang terkenal sebagai terpanjang di dunia. Di mulut gua, laguna yang jelas dibingkai oleh pohon-pohon tua yang tumbuh tepat untuk tepi air. Monyet, kadal monitor besar, dan tupai menemukan ceruk mereka di pantai dekat gua.

    9. Sundarbans (Bangladesh, India)
    Delta Sundarbans, di mulut sungai Gangga, merupakan hutan bakau terbesar di dunia, tersebar di seluruh bagian Bangladesh dan West Bengal, India.
    Sundarbans fitur jaringan kompleks saluran air pasang surut, hamparan lumpur dan pulau-pulau kecil hutan mangrove garam-toleran.
    Daerah ini dikenal dengan jangkauan luas fauna, dengan harimau Royal Bengal yang paling terkenal, tetapi juga termasuk burung banyak, melihat rusa, buaya dan ular.

    10. Uluru (Australia)
    Uluru (Ayers Rock) adalah salah satu ikon yang paling dikenali Australia alam.
    Pembentukan batu pasir yang terkenal di dunia berdiri 348 m di atas permukaan laut dengan sebagian besar curah bawah tanah, dan langkah-langkah 9,4 km di lingkar. Uluru muncul untuk mengubah warna cahaya yang berbeda serangan itu pada waktu yang berbeda dari hari dan tahun.



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